Chapter Four

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Jae eun's POV

When I wake up I see the boys in our dorm, my head on Jimin's shoulder, the memories of last night comes flooding in and I smile. I'm the first one awake so I quietly and slowly get up trying not to wake anyone up. I go to the kitchen and start making pancaked for everyone. "Morning Jae.", I hear a soft, husky voice behind me, I turn around to see Jimin with messy hair, "Oh good morning Chim, what's up with your hair?", I giggle, he starts blushing from embarrassment , "Here let me fix it for you.", I say and moving towards him. He puts his head down to make it easier for me to reach because even if he's the shortest in the he's still taller than me, I go up on my tippy toes and fix his hair, His hair is so soft, I think to myself, "Wow Jimin your hair is so soft, what do you use?", I ask in amazement at his soft hair, "That's a secret.", he says, "Are you willing to share it with me?", I ask, "Of course, but don't laugh at me.", he says, "Why would I laugh.", I say, "Ok well I use these new born maybe shampoos to make it soft like a new born.", he says and I burst out laughing, " use b..aby products.", I say with laughter in between, "Yah(hey), you said you wouldn't laugh.", he says embarrassed, "Mianhe (I'm sorry) but its so cute.", I pinch his cheeks.

"You should respect your elders, not laugh at them.", he states, "Mian mian ( sorry sorry)." I say, my laughter dying down. By now I'm finished with all of the pancakes, I made a lot because boys will be boys, you know what I mean? I go back to the where everyone is and slowly start waking them up, I start with Jina. "Unnie, wake up. I mad some breakfast.", I say and smile when I see her waking up, "Its in the kitchen.", I say and she slowly gets up. Next I wake up the rest of the boys on the couch and they slowly start waking up, I tell them where breakfast is and they go to the kitchen. I go over to the floor in front of the couch and wake them up one by one, "Kookie wake up, I made breakfast. Go eat.", I say, he starts waking up and I smile and ruffle his hair, he thanks me and goes to the rest of them.

Then I wake up Taehyung, "Tae wake up, there's food in the kitchen.", I say and he gets up and thanks me too, "Hobi there's food, wake up and then you can eat.", I say and he gets up, "Thanks Jae.", he says and we go to the kitchen. We get our food and sit down at the table with the rest of them, "This is delicious Jae.", Jin says, "Oh gomawo", I say to him, "You should cook with me one day." Jin says and I nod my head in agreement. "Guys this will be the last time you see me with my rose gold hair today, when I come back it'll be purple! And Jina's will be blonde instead of black!", I excitedly say, "I can't wait to see you with purple hair, noona.", Jungkook says and I just give him a big smile.

"We should leave now Jae, its 11:30AM already.", Jina says, "Yeah we can leave now. You boys can stay if you want.", I say, "Yeah we''ll wait here for you guys.", Namjoon says, I nod at him. Jina and I go to our room and change quickly, I put on a black ripped jeans, a pink hoodie, my vans, cap and I put my glasses on, Jina's outfit is the same as mine but her hoodie is grey.

We come out, say goodbye to the boys and then leave to get our hair done.


Once we're done with our hair we decide to get lunch for the boys and us. I wasn't sure what to get them so I called Jimin to see what they usually get. The phone rang one, twice then he answered, "Hey Jae, whats up?", he asked, "Hey, Jina and I got our hair done and we wanted to get lunch for you guys but we weren't sure what to get.", I tell him and says all their orders that I had to put it in my notes on my phone so I won't forget, "Oh and don't forget Hobi's sprite, he treasures that very much.", he says and I giggle, "Gomawo Jimin, where are you guys now?", I thank and ask him, "We're still at your dorm, we wanted to see the final product of yours and Jina's hair.", he says, "Awe you didn't have to but gomawo.", I say and we hang up.

"Ok Jina, off to Panda Express!", I say excitedly. Jina drives to Panda Express and we go through the drive thru, I read out all of the orders and and we drive to collect and pay for it. After that we head home.

"We're baaaaaack!", Jina says and all the boys run up to us complimenting our hair. They also help us with the food and we put it on the table. "So did anything interesting happen?", one of the boys asks and I just shake my head but Jina goes to tell the story of what happened an Panda Express, "OMO!!! Yes, there was this pervy looking dude that looked around Jae's age, he kept giving her these gross, pervy looks and still had the audacity to ask for her number, but when she said no he wrote his number on the receipt, I was about to get out the car and give him what he deserves, no one does that to my best friend!", she explains, as she's telling them the story I can't help but notice Jimin clenching his fists, It was most probably for something else, I think to myself.

They all give disgusted looks and look at my sympathetically and I just shrug it off. "It's not like he was going to do anything, if he did I would've beat the crap out of him, I master a variety of martial arts.", I say and they all gawk, "That's my best friend.", Jina says and I just smile, "If you need me I'll be sleeping." I say and start to walk off but stop when Jin says, "Don't we need to finish the dance.", "Oh shit, I forgot, change of plans for me then.", I say, "Watch your language young lady!", Both Jin and Jina scold, they are both scary when they scold especially Jina, I immediately start bowing and apologizing.

Then we all head down to the studio and continue to practice. Once the dance is finished its already 12PM and we're all tired except Jina because she didn't do anything, so the boys sleep over and our dorm again seeing as it was too late to drive home. We go up to our dorm, the boys change(they brought extra clothes when Jae and Jina were out), Jina and I change and we organize how we're sleeping. The maknae line in my room, Jina has, Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon and Yoongi took the guest room.

Soon we all fall asleep and have different dreams and nightmares.

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