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Jaz. Jaz. Wake up! Jasper!

The voice is urgent, pleading. I clutch at my ears, trying to block the voice out, but it only makes it worse. Grit my teeth, close my eyes, strain against the memories holding me captive. They can't take my freedom from me. They can't. It's all I have left.

Just my wings and the wind to fly on.

I curl into a tight ball. My ashen hair conceals my pale eyes, cradles my cheek, brushes against the skin of my neck. My long, thin ivory dress is a white flurry around me as I float upon the waves of air. Ignore the emotions. Fight the memories. Clench my jaw. Fight it. Fight it!

Jaz! Please! Come!

Let me be, my thoughts whisper. I can't go yet. It's not been long enough.

I lift my head suddenly, stare down at the bed where I used to sleep. The once white covers are now dark with dirt and dust. Cobwebs cling to the lampshade on the bedside table. The window pane is shattered, the shards of glass a patchwork on the ground, the curtains billowing in the wind. Books scattered on the floor, pages torn and fluttering. Peeling honeydew-green paint on the ceiling, mould creeping over the walls. Outdated newspaper left untouched on the desk, with the headline "FREAK ACCIDENT CLAIMS SEVEN".

A shudder runs down my spine. I've read it so many times in the past year. I still can't wrap my head around what happened.The print underneath is too small for my eyes to make out in this dim light, but I know what it says.

"A freak car accident has claimed the lives of the Jace family. Eighteen year old Jasper Jace was driving on the highway when the family's car flipped. The reason of the accident is unknown and people question whether it was actually an 'accident' that occured."

My vision warps suddenly. I wipe my face with the palm of my hand and it comes away wet. I glance down at my belly, at my blood-soaked dress, touch the places where the glass cut me, stomach and forehead. Feel the warm blood drip over my fingers.

The voices of my loved ones fade into the backdrop for the moment as I am overcome with emotions. I tried so hard to save them, I did. But it was too late.

They just don't understand...

There's only so many lives a killer can save.

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