Requests Page

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I ask that any requests you may have be commented on this chapter! It will be easier for me to remember and find them this way.

Also, I really appreciate all you dedicated readers who have been patient with my updates while I've been away! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Here are things I'm okay writing:
- Smut
- Fluff (Not my strong suit)
- Threesomes
- Male Reader x Any Character
- Female Reader x Any Character
- Kinks (Acceptance may vary depending on said kink)
- Can be any character from the first or second game, it doesn't just have to be the brothers and Diana
(I may add more to this list later)

Things I am NOT okay writing (most of you probably have the common sense not to ask for some of these, but I thought I should still put it out there.)
- Abuse
- Rape
- Self-harm
- Character deaths (It's supposed to be a fun one-shot book)
(I may add more to this list later)

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