The Grasshopper

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I sling the backpack over my shoulder as I make my way into Grid Battleforce. "New day, new life..." I thought. As I walk along the school's halls, nothing out of the ordinary; high school bullies bullying the new or nerdy kids, couples holding hands in the hallway, friends chatting amongst each other. From the corner of my eye, I see vibrant blonde hair. But in the midst of seeing this blonde, I bump into someone; a boy who donned a red and light grey shirt.

"Watch where you're going nerd," he yells

"... Sorry," I say

I kneel down to pick up my book, but the bully grabs me by the collar and makes me stand.

"That's no way to talk to your superior," he growls

Unphased, I grab his wrist and squeeze it. His face begins twitching and his hand began loosening, but not by a lot. But then his hand began tightening again. I kick his ankle, and he falls, letting go of my shirt. I kneel down again.

"Ya know, brawn doesn't always beat brain," I say, poking his head

I brush myself off, and picked up my book again.

"Is that a new kid?" Ravi asks

"Sure looks like it," Devon whispers

As I was just about to begin walking to class, another person bumps into me. However, as I caught myself, I also catch her.

"Hey, sorry about that," I say, "You okay?"

Instead of words, she only nods.

"Name?" I ask

"Zoey," She answers, "Yours?"

"Kacey," I reply

She lets out a smile, I clear my throat and let her back up, but only to kneel down again and pick up her notebook.

"This, should be yours, Zoey," I say, standing up and handing her notebook

"And this should be yours, Kacey," She replies back, handing my book to me

I make my leave from her, giving a smile upon my exit. I turn the corner and then a right, into my physics class. I take a seat in the back corner, closest to the window.

Taking the typical notes in this small class of cadets, answering the questions the teacher had asked the class, which not even half of the class was interested. Myself and possibly another select few of people were as well.

"Now class don't forget to do the two page homework assignment that is due tomorrow," The teacher announces as everyone gets their stuff together, "This homework will help you with your quiz that is on Friday. Don't forget that next week is a test to test all of your knowledge and strength to become a Battleforce Cadet. Now study up."

I could tell the teacher was just as done as her students... As soon as she told us to study, her expression dropped and then she began packing her things also. "Some class this is... People won't pass if they just slack off..." I thought. I look down at my watch and begin walking towards the cafeteria.

As I sit at a table, I look up to see Zoey, who also just looked up as well. She smiles and waves at me. I did the same. Later, with papers scattered all over, I take a bite of my sandwich and write.

".... Nope," I say

*Zoey's POV*
"I don't get this physics problem," Zoey says, "I don't understand how people can understand this right off the bat..."

"Why don't you ask her over there," Devon says, "Wasn't she the girl that told Hank that brawn doesn't always beat brains?"

"That's the one," She says, "I was being dumb and bumped into her. It was... Kind of cute how she caught me. Do you think she'll be good enough to wield a Beast Morpher?"

"Nonsense," Devon says, "There's only 3 that have been created."

"It wouldn't hurt to have more members on the team," Ravi says, "Maybe we can help her give her own Beast Morpher."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2019 ⏰

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