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This subject is a very important one which I will like everyone to take very seriously. Wait, let us ask this question: ‘despite the fact that people knows that sex is right when it is only between a husband and his wife, why did people still do something else?

First, let us take a look at unmarried youths. Many young ones are already told, warned, and even begged that they shouldn’t toy with sex and it related subjects. They themselves already know that having sex without being married is bad, wrong, and is a sin against God. One of the proofs to show that they know that any other thing is bad is that, any other thing (premarital sex, masturbation, pornography viewing, and other immoralities) are done secretly, behind tightly closed doors. Now, when they know it is wrong, why are they still doing it?

Still on the youths. Many youths have seen the agony some of their peers undertook when the repercussions of premarital sex came. Many of their peers has contracted sexual diseases, have unwanted pregnancies, drop out of school to become struggling single parents and unplanned parents, and other things like that. When they see their peers suffering those agonies, what do you think they will do? Since they wouldn’t want to experience same things, what they will do is that, they will decide not to touch those things that could bring such agonies to them. But, wait, look around you today, despite that fact that youths know that they could contract STDs (including HIV/AIDS), and they could have unwanted pregnancies, why are they still indulging in premarital sex?

Now, let us talk about married people. Many married people are leaving the safe circle of their marriage to have extra marital affairs secretly. Why is it secretly? It is because they will never boost of it to their spouse and children. Why wouldn’t they boost of it? It is because they already know that sex is right only between a husband and his wife, and any other thing is wrong, bad, and is a sin to God. Now, if they know all these already, why are they still doing them?

Yes, there could be different problems. It could be due to lack of appropriate knowledge, and exposure to wrong things. It could be greed. It could be as a result of improper upbringing. However, in many cases, (which I want you to examine critically) you will discover that Sexual Temptation is the problem.

Temptation is something meant to lure one to do what one already knows is wrong. Sexual temptations are those things (alluring agents) that are meant to softly lure one to indulge oneself in sexual immoralities (which one already know is wrong) There are lots of discussions on this. But here are things you must take note:

-         Sexual Temptations are traps. They always appear to be lovely, innocent, ‘not bad’, so they could catch their prey. They know that if their appearance is evil (which is what they are) their preys will run from them.

-         Sexual temptations are of the devil. The devil wants us to keep sinning so we should slip away from under God’s hedge of protection, so he could have access to steal, kill, and destroy. John 10:10

-         Sexual temptations are so rampant around us today. They are present in the entertainment industry, on the internet, inside many books, magazines, journals, songs, videos, movies, in schools, in workplaces, among classmates, among street mates, among peers, and so much more. The main problem now is that many couldn’t spot and identify them. Thus, they keep falling into it, and keep getting themselves hurt. Now, how can we spot and identify sexual temptations?


Firstly, we must know and acknowledge that we can’t overcome sexual temptations with our own human initiatives. We need something more divine. Thus, here is how we can overcome sexual temptations.

Having a good relationship and fellowship with God: When we have a good close relationship with God, we will be privileged to have The Holy Spirit of God in us. When The Holy Spirit of God abides in us, we have the power to do many things. We can easily do the things which many people finds difficult to do. One of the numerous important things which many people find difficult in doing is, living a chaste life without immoralities (it seem some people still thinks that it is never possible for someone not to indulge oneself in sexual immoralities) However, when God’s Spirit abides in you, you find it easy to obey God, you wouldn’t want anything to stain your relationship with God, you will hate sin, and you will easily overcome immoralities of all kinds. Then, you will be able to know agents of temptation. Anywhere, you will be able to spot them, knowing easily that these have the abilities to make one commit sin to God and do the wrong things.

When you have constant fellowship with God, you wouldn’t be idle (physical and spiritually) and then, there will be no chance for sexual temptations to lure you in sinning against God. How can one have a relationship with God?

It is simply by forsaking all your sins, believing in Jesus Christ the Lord, and then living a faithful holy devoted life for God. It is by saying this simple prayer, sincerely “Lord Jesus, I admit I’m a sinner, please forgive me all my sins and use your Precious Blood that was shed on the cross of Calvary for me to wash all my sins away, and make me whole. I accept Jesus Christ into my life to be my Lord and Savior. Hallelujah! I’m saved.’

Employing the avoidance technique: This strategy consists of two vital things: avoiding and fleeing. When God helps you identify temptations (things that could lure you to sin) it is still your responsibility to avoid and flee from them. To overcome temptation, here are what you must be avoiding:

-         Avoid and flee from PEOPLE that could make you sin (unbelievers, those indulging in immoralities, indecent, and loose people and so on. Don’t keep companion with them) Instead keep companion with God-fearing Christians like you.

-         Avoid THINGS that could make you sin(songs, movies, websites, books, magazines, and so on)

-         Avoid PLACES that could make you sin (homes of unbelievers and indecent people, clubs and discos, wild parties, beer parlors, brothels, and so on) Instead, go to Church always, and go to Christian gatherings. Then, always go for Evangelism. Yes, you’ve being given The Great Commission. You are an Evangelist. Preach Jesus Christ, with all ways, Always!

-         Avoid SITUATIONS that could make you sin (being alone with members of the opposite sex who isn’t your married spouse, and so on)

When you do this, victory is yours!

NB: You can request for a free copy of ‘Our Children and Sexual Temptations’ via my mail

Free to share this on your timeline, blogs, sites, and so on. God bless you. Amen.   


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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