Chapter 1

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Once upon a time in the kingdom of Dymond, the one eye–patched king angrily called for his two sons, the princes, to join him in the throne room.

"Kevin! James! Where are those two?!" the king bellowed. "You should never keep the king waiting!"

The king wasn't usually this cranky but this was a special occasion. His eldest son, Kevin, stepped into the throne room, the doors closed behind him, and he bowed before his father, the king.

"Father you summoned me?" Kevin said.

Kevin was a young man with brunet hair and black eyes. He wears a reddish–brown jacket with a hot pink sash over his shoulder, a gold crown on his head, pale–turquoise pants and short reddish–brown boots.

"Well there you are but where is your brother?" the king said.

The doors to the throne swung open again to reveal the younger prince James.

James was a young man with thick brown hair and soft–black eyes. He wears a light–blue jacket with a yellow sash over his shoulder, a gold crown on his head, greyish–brown pants and short reddish–brown boots.

"Sorry I'm late father." Prince James said walking up to the king. "I was inspired by one of the most beautiful sights at the garden. It was a blue finch that–"

"I don't care what it was this time James." The king said, cutting off his son. "I'm too aggravated to indulge in whatever flights of fancy you have today."

"Y–yes father, I apologize." James said, bowing to the king next to his older brother. No one noticed the snicker on prince Kevin's face.

When the king was satisfied, "Chamberlain Zircon, clear the room, I wish to speak to my sons alone." At his command, all the servants in the throne room left, leaving the king alone with his sons. "Kevin, perhaps you would care to explain to me this letter I received from our neighboring kingdom in Blue–Holliland."

"I believe I have made my opinion on that kingdom's royal family quite clear Father." Kevin said, standing up. Prince James followed.

"You snuck out of the castle while the princess was waiting to dine with you in the royal dining room." The king said.

"It's not my fault that the princess and her hotheaded mother didn't meet my expectations." Kevin said.

"That's what you said about the last princess and the one before that." The king said angrily. "I've had enough of your superior attitude and it's because of you that the queen of Blue–Holliland won't even consider your brother for a suitor to her daughter. I'm sorry Jamie."

"Oh, it's alright father." Jamie said. "I still have sometime before marriage. After all, I'll be 21 tomorrow."

"Oh no you don't." the king said. "I'm tired of waiting for the both of you to get your act together and be married." He points his golden scepter at his sons. "You with your arrogance and you with your nonsense." then the king scratched his chin. "But now that you'll be 21 you will have new opportunities awaiting you. Not only will you be eligible for marriage but also for the king's crown."

"Father..." Kevin chided.

"Be quiet son. I'm still speaking." The king stated. "When I was planning your birthday ball James, I came up with a brilliant idea. Not only will we be celebrating your birth with this party... but we will also determine the future of this kingdom."

Both of the of the princes were intrigued and frightened by what was to come.

"While Kevin was away, I sent invites to the ball not only to the most eligible of princesses but also to all the most eligible young maidens in my kingdom. From noble to common alike. And at the party, you two must select a bride and whoever chooses the best girl (or in some cases) any girl, will not only have my royal blessing... but will also be the next king."

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