Chapter 5~Ocean

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I walk to the end of the peir. I don't know why but water makes me feel better. I sit on the moldy wooden boards and dip my feet into the cool water. I sigh, why can't anything go right in my life. Ever since I was a baby, people have tried either to kidnap me or kill me. My parents have become over protective beacuse of this. Even though I am almost 13, I barely get to go out with my friends. My parents have to come with our no going out. During the night, I slip out of the house and go down to the peir and just think. 

I shiver as a cold gust of wind blows across my tank top. I wrap my arms tightly across my chest. I watch the sun peak over the tall Empire State Building. It is so pretty. The storm clouds gathering I sigh engulfed in the pretty coulours.

"Your not meant ot be here." I voice behind me says.

"Hi, Uncle Frank." I mutter looking back at the water.

"I said your not meant to be here." he yells getting angry.

He grabs my wrist and twists it so I hear a pop. He drags me by my dislocated hand towards my house. 

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