Chapter 1

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March 13, 2258

"Captain! There is a nuclear signal a few light years away." Lt. Ash Tyler said to Saru as 1st officer Burnham arrived on the bridge. "Do you think it could be the Klingons again or another Romulan threat?" Saru asked as he turns to Michael. "What is your course of action Michael?" "Captain, I believe we should check it out and at least warn the Enterprise to come and assist us just in case." "Very well Micheal, Comms alert the Enterprise and send them the coordinates to the nuclear signal and helm set a course to it and go also Tactical set ship to Yellow Alert." Saru orders after agreeing to Micheal's suggestion.

Few hours later, the Discovery dropped out of warp near a planetary system and the crew discovers that the nuclear device was actually a probe with the intention of preserving the memory of a people. "This is very strange commander because its slightly resembles Cochrane's ship 'The Phoenix' and get this," Stamets explains showing Micheal the technology of the ship. "This resembles the computer systems of a 22nd century Earth ship." "But what is it doing this far from Earth since this fuel level is close to being empty also rockets don't tend to travel this far from the planet and it'll take years  for nuclear rockets to reach this far from Earth." Michael mentions as she still was puzzled as Tilly came up. "According to the records, this is actually an Earth vessel but judging by the trajectory it was coming from the third planet of this system and the fact that a colony this far from the Federation was believed to be destroyed and the probe's wake is only a few years old."  "Thank you Ensign." Michael said as she touched the comms. panel on the wall "Burnham to Saru has Enterprise arrived to help us? And also could you have Detmer retrace the probe's trajectory there is something you should know and I'll tell on the way." "The Enterprise will be here in a few hours and yes we will retrace the trjaectory, Saru out." Saru responds as he orders Detmer to retrace the probes path to its origins.

Once the Discovery entered orbit around a planet, the Enterprise arrives and captain Pike transfers command of Enterprise to Saru who also did the same to him with the Discovery as its landing party beamed to the Enterprise. Once the Discovery landing party was onboard the Enterprise, Pike took the Discovery out to scout for any danger since they were outside the Federation. Once settled and after a family reunion, Discovery's landing party consisting of Michael Burnham, Sylvia Tilly, Hugh Culber, Ash Tyler, and Jet Reno beamed down to the planet wearing the civilian clothes that the probe described the current attire.

Eldia III
New Shiganshina

It's been 3 years since humanity in Eldia III was able to to recapture Wall Maria, during those years they fought off every single Titan that were still inside the wallls. Eren Yeager married his adopted sister Mikasa and they live in their newly reconstructed home on top of their old basement with their 1 year old son Hannes Yeager (Named after Hannes who died protecting the two from the Titan who ate Kalura Yeager.) Humanity rebuild the city with the help of the military.

One day Mikasa notices 5 pillars of light as she hands Hannes who was sleeping in her arms to Armin as she grabs her swords and a flare gun which she immediately fires a she ran only to get stunned by a phaser coming from Tyler's hands. "She must've alerted the others. We have to leave now Lt." Burnham orders as she was about to escape when they got surrounded. "Leave to where ma'am?" Said a voice in the shadow. "You're surrounded and what have you done to my cousin?" He adds emerging from the shadow to Mikasa's aid. "Don't worry she's out for an hour by the stun setting we have on our weapons."

Eldia III orbit
"Captain's Log: Supplemental
Captain Saru recording: hours after the transfer of command and Discovery's departure, we lost communication with the Discovery landing party and commander Spock is preparing a secondary landing party to go look for the first and with the probe in our possession we are able to learn that a century ago this people faced and invasion by an unk9wn race and immediately. warned the Enterprise about this new threat." Saru explains on the logbook before turning of the recording. "Number 1 what is the status of the next away team?" "The away team is ready and in the military uniforms and gear to help blend in with the people also they're standing by at the transporters." She said as Saru gave her the order for transport permission.

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