- Chapter 10 -

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I kind of know where I'm going with this now.. It's still going to end soon, but I kind of like that. It's a nice short story that won't take up hours and hours of reading.


● Austin Mahone ●

I still didn't understand why she kissed me the first time, so I was completely clueless as to why she did it again. When she did it though, I couldn't stop myself from kissing her back. It was like she had this weird spell over me that I couldn't control.

When she kissed me before, she didn't talk to me afterwards. This was our first conversation since then and I didn't want it to be like that again. Though I didn't talk to her much, I wanted to. And by doing this, I wasn't going to get anywhere.

That's when I tore myself away from her and backed up a couple of steps, keeping her far away enough so that she couldn't catch me off guard again.

"What's wrong?" She asked, sympathy washing over her face when she saw that I was acting extremely off. This wasn't like me at all. I was never flustered or in a panic around girls.

Running a nervous hand through my hair, I looked down and then back up at her eyes that refused to leave mine. "Why do you keep doing that?"

She tipped her head to the side, looking equally as confused as I probably did.

Why was I confused? Because as much as I tried to get her to like me, I couldn't let her. I couldn't let her fall for someone who hurt her in the past. I couldn't be with someone knowing that I ruined their life. I would feel guilty every single day.

Also, I knew she was only doing this to get revenge on me for what I did to her. As much as I knew I deserved it, I couldn't let it happen knowingly. 

I can't be with her.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" She asked in a soft tone, acting as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I couldn't blame her for thinking that way because I'd been continuously hitting on her for about a month. Of course she would think that I wanted her.

Looking down and then back up at her eyes, I could see nothing but confusion. Truthfully, I was confusing myself. One second, I wanted her. And now that she wanted me too, I felt the opposite.

"Yeah," I began, running my tongue across my bottom lip. "but it's not what you want."

Shaking her head, she moved her eyes up to the sky. "You have no idea, do you?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, watching her intently as she refused to bring her eyes to mine just for that moment. When she did look at me though, I could clearly see the tears in her eyes through the darkness.

"Remember back in middle school when we were kind of friends and you weren't with Whitney yet?" She questioned, her eyes burning holes into me. I slowly nodded, encouraging her to continue. "You were so nice and funny and we would talk almost all the time. I liked you. I liked you so much. But you didn't want me. You wanted Whitney. And even though I knew that you did, I still had that hope in the back of my mind that maybe you liked me too."

I noticed a tear roll down her cheek, causing me to feel awful. I'd never seen her cry before.

"I've liked you for so long. Even when you made my life a living hell. When I would come home from school everyday crying hysterically over something you said to me, I would think that maybe you were just kidding. Maybe it was all a joke. But it wasn't. It was all real. And after all this time, I don't know why I still want you. You have hurt me more than anyone else and I feel so stupid. I feel so fucking stupid for wanting anything with you. You're an asshole and you treat girls like shit." She stopped, her gaze quickly breaking from mine. I noticed her hands were balled into fists and she immediately regretted saying all of what she just said. She shouldn't have regretted it though, because I deserved it.

Stay Away From Juliet (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum