Life In A Prose

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Walking and looking around..Expecting to be noticed by someone,While you deeply know that nobody cares..Everyone's minding their own business,You go home up to your room..Close the door behind you and turn the light off,Throw your bag away..And put your phone on "Don't Disturb Mood",
Wear your headphones..
Play sad songs and cry,
You hear your mother calling "dinner is ready"..
And you pretend you heard nothing,
How are you supposed to eat..
If your heart is starving,
How can you look at their eyes..
When yours are empty from tears,
You keep hiding in your room..
You hear her steps and act like you're asleep,
You don't feel like seeing anyone..
Especially your mother because she knows when you're lying,
She knows when you are not okay..
Even if you said you were,
But you can't tell her how sad and lonely you are..
You don't want her to suffer with you,
So you stay in your room till you hear silence..
Everyone is asleep now,
It's your time to go outside..
Not for your stomach but to answer a nature call,
You get a glass of water on your way..
And go back to your cave again,
But you are not alone..
There are others who feel the same,
People who suffer in silence..
Because they believe nobody will understand if they speak up,
They are wrong..
Because they are not the only victims,
We all share sad shitty depressed days..
And sometimes all we remember is that bad side of our lives,
But there are happy moments too..
Times when we really feel alive,
Those early mornings and late nights..
That we share with the ones we truly love,
And who love us back..
A different real kind of love,
Friends, siblings and parents..
Small kids and even strangers in the streets,
Yes there's still a missing part..
A love nobody can replace,
That's true and painful..
But every piece will find it's significant other in the end,
And most of those stories where the heroes die..
Are but unfinished manuscripts,
It's a fact that you will die alone..
Yet you won't stay lonely while alive.

This is supposed to help others who feel the same, that no matter how dark their life's room is.. there's always a light coming from the window.

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