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Why hate the crow
That sings when the wind blows?
Why hate the rain
when it cries out in pain?
Why hate ghosts
the spirits of thoes we loved the most?

The soft "caw!"
The loud thunderclap
The light swishhh
Seem peaceful
If not beautiful
When you see it for real.

Not the mirage that seasons bring
Not the photos that they show
Of a crow
On a skull
Being dull

They are beautiful creatures
With their black features
And a mesmerizing call
That rings out to all

The pitter patter outside
Dark clouds fill the sky
Light flash of light
Not a Sundrop in sight

Why hate grace?
Why hate beauty?
Because some don't see
Inside your mind

Just outer things
Like feathers and wings
Like color and size
Not what's inside

Go on.
Hate the outside
Just remember
We are what's inside.

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