Phone call changed my life

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The day came when I was home alone. My side-bed lamp was on and I was reading a novel until the phone rang. It was my mother. She told me that in three days she would be back. She knew that I was afraid of darkness. Unfortunately, she could not come back early. I sighed and hung up the call. 

I wore my night suit abd closed all the lights of the house except lounge's and my room's light. As I received my phone, it rang again; an unknown number appeared on the screen. I picked up the phone and exclaimed, "Hello?....Hello?" No one responded. I heard a husky voice thay horribly scared me. I hung up and jumped on my bed and acted like I was sleeping.

Unexpectedly, the light was gone. The atmosphere sent shiver down my spine. The darkness was giving me the look of creepiness. Again my phone rang. I wish I had not picked it up but it was too late.

 "Who is it? If it is some king of joke then it is not funny." 

A deep voice replied, "It is not a joke. I came here to take you with me." 

I was terribly scared. I coukd not find any words to speak. I started to feel wetty; then i remembered that it is sweat with my tears. I heard the footsteps outside my room. The thoughts flashed through my head. "Am I doing to die?Was my life this much small? What would my mother do without me?...."

Out of the nowhere, the windows flew open. I thought, "There is no wind then how could this window open?" Slowly with caution I went towards the window.  As I was going to close the window, from the corner of my eye, I caught a shadow standing in the backyard garden. The phine rang but that time I did not answer. I saw that shadow was also holding the phoneupto his ear. Just to confirm if it is that person, I picked up the call.

 "Sweetie! Are you ready to go?" 

Although, I did not want to say anything but my mouth spoke automatically. "NO! NO! I DO NOT WANT TO GO WITH YOU!" At the top of my lung, I exclaimed.

As I screamed that, he disappered. I fell backward amused by his disappearance and started shouting, " I am scared of the dark. I do not want to go anywhere!" With no hope of light coming back, I sat in the corner of my room where the moon light was appearing.

With the mercy of God, the light came back. I thought that it was over and calmed myself. Unfortunately, I was not lucky. The phone rang. With the little courage, I picked up the call but stayed silent.

"I loved your scared face. You have to see yourself in the mirror" Jimin exclaimed laughing.

 "What did you say? That was you??" I exclaimed doubtly. 

"Yes silly!" At the time, my anger was boiling. "YOU KNOW I AM SCARED OF DARKNESS!! I HATE YOU!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND!!!!" 

 "I thought....that would"

 I cut him off "FUN? NO IT WAS NOT!! I WISH YOU WERE NOT MY FRIEND!!" With that I hung up. 

From that day onward, I never believed or trust anyone and even did not made any friends. I started to stay alone and for that Jimin deprecate it.

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