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Sorry I haven't posted in forever also this chapter sucks. I'm sorry
The Jones family minus Gladys and Betty (who was sleeping) were all sitting, eating diner.
"Care to tell me why you and Betty weren't at school today?" FP asks casually.
Jughead looked between his dad and Jellybean.
"I know she had a lot of bad nightmares last night but I can't have your grades or her grades failing. You've already skipped enough with everything else okay?" FP told him.
"It wasn't that." Jughead tells him. "One second" he said standing up and running back to his and Betty's room.
"Hey baby" he said softly shaking her wake. She opened her eyes slowly. "I know your tired, but my dad is wondering. Do you want to tell him or would it be easier if I did" he asked softly, squatting on the side of the bed, lovingly tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Umm..I'll come out but can you tell him?" She asked him, tears in her eyes. He nodded and pulled her into him. She sobbed quietly.
"I know, It's okay, I know, I love you" he whispered, rubbing her back and kissing the side of her head. After a minute, there was a knock on the door.
"Come on" Jughead called out, still holding a sobbing Betty.
"What happened?" FP asked.
"Hal Cooper killed himself yesterday." Jughead told him, Betty sobbed harder.
"How?" FP asked.
"Hung" Jughead told him, pulling Betty closer.
"If you need anything I'm always here okay?" He told Betty. She nodded.
"So, I was thinking we have a sleepover at Thistle House, inner circle only. No boys, but some can come later in the night before we go to sleep" Cheryl told the inter circle after Vixen practice.
"Actually, Jug might not have to come." Betty said smiling. "I haven't had a nightmare in a week."
"Oh my god B! That's amazing." Veronica exclaimed, grabbing Betty's arm.
"I know!" Betty said happily. "So this is actually the perfect thing."
"Well in that case, we have a reason to celebrate" Toni smirked.
Later that night at Cheryl's.
"Let's play Secrets and Sins" Josie said. They were all sitting around in a circle on the bed. After come heavy convincing, Jughead finally agreed to let Betty go without him.
"I'll start." Cheryl said "Veronica, hows Reggie?" She asked, all of them giggled.
"Amazing" she told them, everyone giggled again. "Okay, Josie. How are you enjoying Archie?" She asked.
"Im enjoying it, when I don't have to babysit him." She laughed.
"Welcome to my world, when we were little I had to scream at him from my room, he would always try to jump from his house to mine. Some how our parents knew and they would always run into our rooms at the same time." Betty told them, everyone laughed.
"Alright my turn. Toni, what is your biggest secret?" Josie asked.
"Umm, I don't know..." she thought. "I guess that me and Sweets were a thing for like 2 seconds." She said. Everyone laughed.
"Okay babe, what's your biggest secret" Toni asked hitting Cheryl's arm with her elbow.
"Oh, you know how Thorn Hill burned down?" She asked, everyone nodded. "Yeah that was me, and then I trapped my mom in the flames and cut off her oxygen at the hospital." Cheryl told them nonchalantly.
"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed, Cheryl just shrugged her shoulders.
"Alright Betty, I am dying to know. Have you and hobo done it yet?" Cheryl asked.
"Yes" Betty told them blushing. Everyone squealed.
"WHAT" Josie exclaimed.
"Oh my god, I'm not talking about this anymore" Betty groaned falling back on the bed.
"Fine then I will." Veronica said.
"Do you know that co-" she was cut off by Betty covering her mouth.
"V" Betty yelled. Everyone laughed.
"Fine" Veronica groaned "but let's just say I heard it and it sounded great"
"Alright Jug, what's your biggest secret?" Fangs asked. It was 12 o'clock at night and the boys were playing secrets and sins.
"Umm-" Jug started, just then his phone rang. "Perfect timing" he smirked. But when he pulled it out he jumped up. His face blanking.
He answered it quickly "I know, I'm on my way." He said running out of Archie's room.
No one followed him, they knew what happened.
"Upstairs" Veronica said, opening the door. Jug nodded and sprinted up the stairs. When he reached the top, he heard her scream and he took off toward the sound. He turned into the room and saw the love of his life quivering in fear on the bed. Tears streaming down her beautiful face, that was contort in fear and pain.
He scooped her up, rocking back and fourth, trying to sooth her. After about 15 minutes he called the girls in.
"I don't know how long this is going to last. I can't move her, if you guys want to you can go over to her house and crash there, the key is under the door mat." He told them sadly.
"It's fine, how can we help?" Veronica asked, wanting to see what happened when she had these nightmares.
"Nothing. There is nothing you can do." Jughead said through gritted teeth. "You can't shake her awake, you can't scream, nothing works, nothing works" he whispered, tears falling down his face. He pulled her closer. She let out a scream of pain and fear. "JUGGIE. HELP. PLEASE" she screamed out.
"I'm right here, I'm right here, I'm sorry" he told her sadly.
The girls went out and sat on the couch, and turned on the TV.
After about 30 minutes the sobs ended. Everyone got up and ran into the room. "Is it over?" Josie asked.
Jughead shook his head "No, not for a while. It just means that that nightmare ended. She'll have another one soon. It only ends when she wakes up." He told them tiredly. "Cheryl, do you have any cloth or anything like that so that I can wrap her hands?" He asked. Cheryl nodded and ran into the bathroom, coming back with a 2 rolls of cloth bandages. Jughead uncurled her hands, everyone gasped. It was bleeding a lot and it was so cut up. "Oh my god" Veronica gasped.
"It's been worse" Jughead told them sadly. Once he got her hands wrapped, a new nightmare kicked in.
"Hey girls, how was Betty?" Sweet Pea asked into the phone.
"Not good, she's still having a really bad nightmare." Cheryl told them.
"Still?" Archie asked shocked.
"Yeah. She stopped for like 5 minutes but that's it." Toni told them.
"We'll be over" Fangs said.
LATER (Sorry for using so many time skips)
*knock knock knock* Cheryl got up and opened the door, letting the boys into the house. When the door closed Betty screamed again.
"How bad is it?" Reggie asked.
"Really bad, it's lasted for around 3 hours with a 5 minute break after about 45 minutes where we were able to wrap her hands, which were so cut up. Then she's been screaming and crying since. Jugs a mess." Veronica told them, leaning on Reggie. They talked for a little while until Jughead walked out.
"Is it over?" Josie asked, everyone standing up.
He shook his head no, falling down onto the couch, exhausted. Everyone also sat back down.
"What is the nightmare about?" Kevin asked.
"Usually her mom, sometimes I die, or one of you, or the gargoyle king, some times the farm, her dad, anything really." Jughead told them.
"How is she doing, with her dad and everything?" Sweet Pea asked.
"She's doing better. It's still hard." He told them, Reggie was about to ask a question but was cut off by a scream.
"Crap" Jughead muttered before sprinting back to the room.
"What are we going to do if it hasn't stopped by the time we have school?" Josie asked.
"You guys go. I'll stay with her I guess." Jughead said, absentmindedly stroking Betty's hair, she hadn't stopped crying since 1:00. Everyone nodded, when Betty's eyes open and she shot up. "Oh thank god" Jughead gasped, wrapping her up in his arms. Kissing her head, relieved tears falling from his eyes.
"How, how long" she asked him, sobbing.
"4 hours" Veronica told her.
"I'm sorry" she said sobbing.
"No, don't. Don't be sorry." Jughead told her.
She nodded and slowly the sobs died down.
"Ugh, we still have school" Betty groaned.
"I'm so tired" Betty yawned, leaning on Jug.
"Same" he said, resting his head on hers.

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