1.Memorable day

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Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) said:"Fear Allah wherever you are, do good deeds after doing bad ones, the former will wipe out the latter,and behave decently towards people".


Her name was Khayr. So beautiful in her own way. Her life had been defined the way she saw people around her lived it. And right now, those people were her family.

Her small family of six. She was the eldest; first born to her parents.

And for the people around her, her life was so healthy and beguiling. Even at her young age, she takes her religion seriously.

One thing you had see Khayr panicking about was when she forgets to pray or didn't pray on time. For her, Islam was her pillar.

It is amazing how she always remember Allah. For everything she had do, provided it has a supplication for it, you had hear her recite it.

Auspicious it was how when ever she wants something, she prays to Allah first.

One thing she had learnt over the years was Allah was everywhere around her. He sees and hear what ever she does.

Her mum had once told her of the story of an ant who once entered into a box so deep and of total darkness. And that ant had said "here,Allah can't see me".And it was like almost immediately when an armful of sunlight shone there. Just a small sign to make it know Allah can see and here you whenever and wherever.

And that was exactly what she had kept unto. She sees something and would love to have it really well. But because she knows Allah was watching her, she will shun away from taking such thing and ask for permission first ,even if it could lead to her not having it.

She was just ten, yet her conduct was so remarkable.

How beautiful it had be if her life continues like that! But right now, only Allah knows the future. He had written all her life even before she arrived the Dunya( world).

"Khayr"Her father called as he peeked into her room and she stirred in her bed. She wasn't a heavy sleeper and her father have to only call her name every day to wake her up for fajr prayer.

"get up and pray" her father added softly after she murmured in answer.

"Okay Baba"She replied in her sleepy voice as she sat up in bed.

With that,her father was satisfied and he headed to wake her younger ones too.

Khayr groggily came out of her bed reciting the supplication for waking up.

Her eyes still felt heavy until something in front of her bed caught her sight. She felt immediately totally awake as the exciting feeling with that particular sight came back again.

It was a big box containing her provisions which she had arranged with her mom the day before. She was going to a boarding school today.

She went forward plunging it open, taking the sight in again and mentally giggling.

In it, there were some cans of Milk,Milo,sugar,sardines,Pringles, drinks, cartons of cornflakes, biscuits and many more.

The idea of just her having all the things to herself sound really happy to her.

She had be managing everything on her own for the first time in her life. Herself and her things!!

She closed back the box with a satisfied smile before she ambled into her bathroom to perform wudu(Ablution).

Within few minutes, she was out and she laid down her prayer mat in a corner of the room facing the Al-qibla. She wore her long hijab that reaches up to her toes.

And then she prayed, she prayed to her Lord who created her and every other being in the world.

The utter peacefulness felt upon Salah could be seen in her features. She looked calm.

After she finished praying, she had supplicate and then she brought out her Qur'an and recited multiple verses.

She was in such action when her mum came into her room and she ended the verse she was reciting before carefully closing the Holy book and looking up to her mum who had sat at the end of her bed before her.

"Good morning Mama"She greeted respectfully with a smile.

"Good morning Khayr"Mama replied affectionately before adding" you know you have to start getting ready already right?"

"Yes Mama"Khayr answered and her Mum nodded.

The idea of Khayr going to a boarding school wasn't her parents' idea at all. They had never planned such for their daughter. It was Khayr's idea, she wanted it!!

And now as Kareema looked at her daughter, she was worried, worried of one thing; Wasn't Khayr too young and fragile for a boarding school??

Kareema had attended a boarding school herself during her time. And that time she was the same age as Khayr too. But her experience as a boarder wasn't totally favourable and that was what she was concerned for Khayr. She had tried so much to persuade her daughter against the idea but she seemed reluctant. And then, her husband had suddenly thought it was a good idea too.

She was left with no other means to stop the decision. But she was hoping Khayr's school wouldn't be anything similar to hers. Afterall,she had attended a public school while Khayr was now going to a private school;one of the best schools in town.

Why Khayr liked the school? Her cousin Zarah was in the same school and had always gist her about it whenever they meet. Every of Zarah's story was exciting and funny and Khayr suddenly felt she liked to be there too. That apart, she wasn't very sure why she wanted the school.

Kareema left her daughter to get ready as she headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for the family.

Within a short duration, the whole family had gathered in their lounge savouring the delicious meal. It was a grand breakfast; the major reason being Khayr wouldn't be having breakfast with them anytime soon again.

Saleem and Sadiq who were Khayr's immediate ate from the same plate. The two brothers were only two years and four years younger than her respectfully.

Kareema ate with her husband and as they eat, they kept conversing in low tones.

As Khayr sat down eating in a plate and at the same time trying to feed her baby sister Humayra,she was sure she was gonna miss this moments. The beautiful moments with her family.

Khayr was later drove to school by her family. Her new school where a new life awaits her.

All the necessities were done by her parents before it was finally time for them to leave.

Khayr's heart convulsed with a feeling of loss and loneliness as she watched her family left through the humongous gate of the school.

As they kept turning to wave at her with baby Humayrah crying out her name, she couldn't help but let a drop of tear or two drop out of her eyes.

It was a feeling she never had felt in her whole life. She was sure that this day will remain a memorable day in her life.

Assalamu Alaikum. So this very chapter mark the beginning of this book Confused.

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For every reader that dedicate time towards reading this, Jazakumullahu Khairan❤❤

So, am dedicating this chapter to Ameera-Ayesha for being the first reader here. Thank you sis! That means a lot to me:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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