chapter 7

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"How's this one?" Gabs questioned, holding up a dress. I rose up from her bed, examining the dress.

"Are you trying to get pregnant?" I scoff. "It's my first date Ari, i wanna look good," she whines. "You don't have to wear a hooters uniform to impress him," I giggle.

I stood up, sliding to her closet, searching it myself. I pulled out a peach bodycon dress and some gold heels. "It's still winter Ari," she groans. "You were literally about to walk out of here with you boobs pouring out and your ass showing," I smile sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes, grabbing the outfit and throwing it on. "Atta girl," I clapped.

"Help me with my hair," She rushed. "Um i haven't done my own hair since like, i was born," I say in a duh tone. The only hairstyles i know are ponytails, messy buns, ballerina buns, and 'i woke up like this', aka the messy all over my face hair that i tend to rock daily.

She shrugs, deciding to just wear it down. "What if he thinks i don't look hot enough. i look like an eight grade homecoming date," she whines, again.

"Dude, its nate. he thinks you look good in ugly ass cupcake sleepers, i'm sure he won't mind," I snap back with a smile.

"Thanks for watching my little brother," she begins, and Nate blows his horn.

"Sams coming over, bye!" she shouts, darting down the hall and out the front door.

"That bitch," I mutter to myself, before leaving her room.

I made my way into the living room, and her brother sat at the kitchen table working on a project. "Hey Ethan," I smile, looking over his shoulder.

"Hey Arielle, can you make me some chicken nuggets?" He smiles back. I nod, walking into the kitchen, grabbing the pack of frozen nuggets from the freezer.

I let the grease heat up, and once it started popping, I added some nuggets.

Once they were done, I grabbed a few for myself, and gave the rest to Ethan.

I made myself comfortable on the couch, when the door immediately flew open. "Sup Eth, hey Ari," Sam greeted. I respond with a smile, before diverting my attention back to the tv.

Sam plops down beside me, and i instantly flew my legs on top of his lap. "What are you doing?" He scoffs playfully, throwing my legs.

"Sam," I whine with a pout, leading him to roll his eyes and put my legs back on his lap.

Ethan informed us that he was going to shower, and play video games afterwards.

Sam's POV

I stared at Arielle, as she diverted her eyes to the tv. The glare from the tv lit up on her pale skin, and her blue eyes glistened. It was kinda creepy that i was sitting her admiring her, but i didn't really care.

A yawn escaped her lips, and she removed her legs from my lap. She reached her head over, placing it on my shoulder.

"Stop staring at me," She says, not removing her eyes from the tv. "Can't help it," I sigh. She looks at me confused, "Are you intoxicated?"

I chuckled looking down at her, "No ma'am, why?"

"You're literally flirting with me so hard right now," She says bluntly. I shrug, turning back to the tv.

She gets up from the couch, fading into the kitchen. I let out a deep breath, before sinking lower into the couch.

I've never had trouble with girls what is this shit?

She comes back, and her hair flows as she walks. She grabs a blanket, flopping down beside me. She lays on my shoulder again.

"If i lay on your shoulder will you fall in love with me?" she jokes. I chuckle before responding, "We'll see."

"I don't wanna lay down, I wanna smoke," she huffs.

"Well lets go then," I say in a duh tone, standing up. She jumps on my back as I walk out to my car.

I hand her a blunt and a sack, and she begins to roll up.

After rolling my own, I pass her the lighter.

Arielle's POV

I took the blunt between my lips, exhaling through my nose. "How long you been smoking?" Sam asked. "Since i was 15," I shrugged.

"What the fuck," He laughed. "What? I was rebellious," I laugh back.

We were sitting in the living room, high off our ass when Gabs and Nate walked in.

"Woof woof!" I laughed in Sam's face. "What the fuck?" Nate says, hanging his keys up. Gabby walked over to me and grabs my face, looking in my eyes.

"You little bitch, you're high as fuck," Gabs stated. "So what, where's the food?" I giggled.

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