You either come, or let me go

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Flashback to the Glade:
I ran towards the woods and climbed on a tree near one of the walls.
This was one of my favorite spots in the Glade.
Especially because I could hide here very well. It was covered by other trees and bushes.

As I sat there, almost at the top of the tree, I could finally think for a moment in peace.
I know what I was going to do was pathetically stupid, but...
I had to do something. Anything, how stupid it may be.
Cause... we can't stay here forever. I don't want to. I want to know what's going on. How we got here. Who we are. Why we're here. Everything.
And I know, the others want the same but... they seam to make plans for staying here longer. And not for getting out.

I still sat on that tree, when I heared Alby looking for me.
From where I sat, I could look over the entire Glade, so I had Alby seen coming long before.
„I'm up here Alby.", I said.
I looked down and saw Alby looking confused back at me.
Without saying anything, he started to climb up.

„Newt won't tell me what happened, so are you gonna tell me?", he said, after he had sat down next to me, and we had stared over the Glade for a moment.

I didn't hesitate and told him immediately:„I almost ran through the doors,... Newt stoped me before I could go through."
As I said this I stared down at my hands.
I knew Alby was looking at me, but then he looked away.
„Why? Why would you go through, and why alone? It's dangerous out there."

„Oh how would you know? You've never been out there."

„Yes you're right, but we don't know anything about it. That's the dangerous part."

„Alby,... Why did you come up here? You're not gonna change my mind. I need to know more, and I'm not gonna sit around like the rest of you."

As Alby wanted to answer, we heared someone down in the forest. We both looked down and saw Newt searching for us.

„We'll talk later, okay?", Alby said while he climed down the tree.


I heared Alby talk to Newt, that I was up there. I didn't really knew if I wanted him to come here or not.

A few minutes later Newt did climb up the tree and sat down next to me.
„Hey...", he said uneasy, not really knowing what to say.
„Hey?... You come up here after what happened and you say hey?", I said a little angry.
„I'm sorry, Julie..."
„Oh don't start with your Julie,
do you even realize why I was gonna go out there? I mean I know you all think I'm stupid to ran off and wanting to go there, but... you all wouldn't listen to me.
You guys never listen to me..."
„What do you mean?"
„You treat me like a little child, like you have to look out for me. Well you don't.
Just because I'm the only girl here, doesn't mean that you have to treat me differently. And if I say something, I want people to listen and to really consider it."

After I said that, there was a moment of silence, which was way too long, that it became awkward.

„Okay, listen. I know it was stupid. But I don't regret it. And I'm gonna go out there tomorrow morning."
„Wait, what? Julie..."
„You can't change my mide.
You can either go with me, or let me go on my own. Understood?"
„Shouldn't you think about this more? Think this through?"
„Newt?! I'm gonna go. Tell the others if you want, but don't come to me to change my mind again."

As I said that, I climed down the tree.
I didn't look up at him again, but just walked straight towards the homestead, to my room.

(Instead of having little huts per person, they had now build one big building, the homestead, in which they all stayed.)

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Hey, sorry it took so long until I published again.
I probably won't be ably to post every week like I did before, but I'll try😅.
I hope you liked it sofar😊😅.

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