6 || Werewolves

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"Pray for me," you said desperately, walking through the halls a few hours later. Molly and Mary were with you this time.
"Wait, what even happened?" Mary questioned.
"Merlin's beard, she didn't tell you in Herbology?" Molly said to her, then looking at you. "She told me in Arithmancy..."
"Well if she told me why would I be asking?" Mary laughed.
"Tell her already, (y/n/n)!" Molly cried.

You walked closer to Mary and whispered in her ear, "I was cursed."
"You what?!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, me and Lily have the Marauder's Kiss Curse," you sighed. Mary hit you lightly.
"Merlin's Beard (y/n), I thought you actually got cursed!"
You laughed. "Would I really be here with you two if I did get cursed?" Mary shrugged and giggled.
"What even happened specifically though? A marauder kissed you? Where? Why? What happened?!" She said impatiently.

You explained your experience with Remus in Transfiguration.
"Now I get to work with the shitbag for a semester, and I have to sit right next to him. Please, I beg of you, pray. For. Me,"  You finished.
Mary touched her heart with hand.
"I'm praying,"
You all started laughing.

Molly's attention spotted across the hall, and she stopped laughing. Her expression was dead serious.
"Mol?" You asked.
"Wait for me. I see Lily. I. Must. Scare. Her," she said, dropping her things and running towards her. You rolled your eyes and laughed. Mary went to pick up Molly's dropped things, but you blocked her.
"Don't— let her suffer when she comes back," you joked. Mary grinned and chuckled.

"I HAVE RETURNED!" Molly yelled, running back towards you two. She ran into you and fell in your arms.
"Good news and bad news," she said, out of breath from sprinting so fast towards you and Mary.
"Good news is, I scared the shit out of Lily. Bad news is, she's gonna try to kill me now."
You and Mary started laughing, but you stopped when you saw Lily running to you with her wand out.

"You're on your own!" Mary yelled, running away. You joined Mary in her flee.
"You'll have a great funeral!" You bellowed at her, turning back to run with Mary to the Great Hall.


You and Mary were eating when Lily randomly joined you.
"What's up cheesebags?" She asked, sitting down next to you.
"Hey Lils, you're smart," you said. Lily shook her head. You continued anyways.
"Can you cast a patronus?"
"Are you willing to make out with James Potter?"
"What the bloody hell— of course not!"
"There's your answer," she said flatly. You sighed.
"Why?" She asked. You shrugged. "I was just curious."
"Can you cast one?"
"I mean, I've never really tried, but I doubt it," you said.

"Okay wait," interrupted Molly, "I know you two are talking about ghost animals–"
"Patronuses," you and Lily corrected in perfect sync.
"Patronuses, whatever," she said, "but (y/n), you can really get some good info out of Lupin about the marauders. Maybe we can prepare Lily more for Potter's flirting."
"Hah, as if he'll tell me anything," you said. Lily looked confused.

"How would you get anything out of Lupin? Are you friends now or some shit?" She asked. You laughed and shook your head.
"No, never. We're just partners for some weird bonding teamwork thing Professor McGonnagal assigned."
"She put you two together?"
"We chose partners."
"I didn't!"

Lily was very confused. You decided to explain what happened, including the weird hand-kiss. She blinked.
"Good luck," she said. "You'll need it if you wanna survive this semester with even an ounce of sanity."
You all laughed and finished your lunch, then went to your next classes.


You and Lily walked together to Muggle Studies. You had both gotten there early, so the whole room was empty. You picked seats next to eachother, closer to the front of the room. From experience, the most irritating people loved sitting in the back, so you finally made the smart decision.

You both were in a normal conversation when the class started.
"Settle down boys and girls," the Professor said, "take out your books and turn to page 21."
As everyone flipped through pages, someone burst through the door.
"Potter, please just one time, can you not be obnoxious?" Lily muttered.

"You're late Mr. Potter," The Professor said sternly.
"I know," he said, "but since the bell doesn't dismiss me, it doesn't tell me when to get here either."
"Of course," Lily muttered again. "How many detentions can that boy get in one day? He's gotten 3 already."
James strutted to the back of the class and sat with Sirius.

"Page 21," the Professor repeated for James. He eventually continued his lecture.

"Alright," He said, after about an hour, "your homework tonight is to write a short essay on electric cars. Just a brief minimum of two paragraphs about what they are and why muggles are using them. Ta-Ta!"

You stood up and rushed out of the class, leaving Lily. You had to leave before James had a chance of coming near you. You waited in the hall for Lily as she rushed out.
"(Y/n) why'd you leave me?! Potter tried to touch me again!" She yelled. You laughed.
"I was prepared, you were not."
"That's not fair!"
"I think it's more than fair," you grinned. She scowled.


"It's been a long day," you groaned, resting your head down on your desk in Defense Against the Dark Arts. You and Alice had sat next to eachother, and she put her hand on your shoulder.
"Don't worry, I wanna die too," She said. You smiled a little.

"Claaassss!" The professor yelled, "stop the chit-chat!"
The whole class went silent except for some boys in the back.
"Mr. Potter, Mr. Lupin, if you can't contain yourselves I'll have you switch seats. Then you'll have detention. Do I make myself clear?" The Professor said. You turned around to look at them. Remus nodded, James rolled his eyes, but nodded after Remus elbowed him.

"Now, welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. In this class, I will try my best to teach you to defend yourselves against the dark magic of which many decide to use for the worst. You will n—
What's so funny, Mr. Potter?"
The class went silent, and James stared at the teacher. "Nothing, sir."
"Mr. Potter, switch seats with Ms. (L/n), I want you up here in my sight away from Mr. Lupin," He said.
James got his things and stood up. You did the same. Alice touched a hand to her heart.
"I'm praying," she mouthed. You smiled. "Thanks."

You sat down by Remus, avoiding making eye-contact with him. You put your book on your new desk and looked back up at the teacher.
"Turn to pages 98 and 99. Today, we will start our lessons on werewolves."
You jumped in excitement. You loved werewolves. They really fascinated you.
Remus looked noticeably scared.
"You scared of werewolves, Lupin?" You asked him. He shook his head.
"You look terrified."
"Well, I'm not."
"Then what's with the face?" You asked. Then you realised something, and you fell completely silent.
He had scars. Lots of them.
Was he attacked by a werewolf when he was younger?

Remus noticed your silence, which probably scared him more.
"I just—"
"You don't need to talk about it anymore," you said quietly. You turned to the pages and tried your hardest not to look at him. You felt really bad now, werewolves clearly meant something to him in his past. Something bad.

You don't know if this discovery was something that hurt you or excited you. It felt mean, but you didn't even care. Your newly sparked interest being mean was the least of your concerns.

A Special Kind of Special || Remus Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now