New Girl, Ender-Girl.

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"U-Um... Hi."

A teen girl stands at the door, bright pink hair falling past her shoulders and reaching her waist, with her fringe covering one of her deep purple eyes. She wears a deep pink shirt and black trousers. She shows off her stomach a little in the small gap between her shirt and her trousers. She has black boots on that have deep purple soles and deep purple laces. On her back is a diamond sword, and it glows a little; its enchanted. She has some bags with her; one is a handbag that's black with a Minecraft diamond on the front, and a purple suitcase that has a dot pattern.

She smiles a little and speaks again. "Who like minecraft?" her voice is a little higher pitched now they're not hearing her through an iron door. Aviator looks at the girl and tilts his head; who the heck is she? Sky starts to think the same; who is this girl?

Deadlox, however, gives her a warm smile. "Hi! May I ask what your name is and why you're here?" he asks politely, looking at her again; it's her eyes that catch his attention the most. Her eyes sparkle in the light, making her look gorgeous.

"M-My name is Katie. I-I'm a Youtuber and I've been assigned to this apartment by Seto and Ashley-Mariee." She smiles again, a bit more confident now. Deadlox nods and Sky comes forward.

"What's your Youtube name?" he asks curiously. She blushes pink and bites her lip.

"My Youtube name is katmanxrocks444, but I shorten it to KMR 'cause it's much easier. But to be honest I shorten it to KM usually. I-I came up the name when I was into this show..."

Aviator interrupts her. "Power Rangers SPD, am I right?" She nods.

"Mhm. I'm surprised you know that to be honest!" Katie chuckles and gives them all a warm smile.

"GO GO POWER RANGERS!!" shrieks Sky, and Katie bursts out laughing along with Deadlox and Aviator.

"Wrong season!" chuckles Katie and Aviator in unison, and Sky pulls a face, making them laugh even harder. Husky pokes his head out the door of his apartment, which was next door to theirs. He wears a suit, like always, and his bright blue hair is messed up; playfighting again.

"What's going on out here? I'm trying to talk to Bodil!" he says, coming out his apartment when he sees Katie. "Ah, it's the new girl!" Katie blushes and Husky shouts through the door into his apartment. "Hey Tyler, Bodil, the new girl's arrived!"

MunchingBrotato rushes out the apartment first, shoving Quentin out the way. He stands infront of her and grins. "Hey there! I'm MunchingBrotato, but you can call me Tyler!!" Katie chuckles and blushes a little again.

"I'm KMR, but you can call me Katie."

"Well Katie, I have one question to ask you... Do you like baguettes?"

Katie bursts out laughing and brushes some hair out her eyes, showing both her bewitching purple eyes. "I don't just like baguettes... I LOVE 'EM!!" The others clap and Tyler hugs her tightly.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!" he cheers. "We'll be great friends, I can tell!" Katie giggles and hugs back.

Bodil taps him on the shoulder. "Give her some space Tyler!" he orders in his Bulgarian accent. Tyler pouts, but moves out the way. Bodil takes her hand and shakes it gently. "My name is Martin, but most here call me Bodil. Nice to meet you, KM." The Parkour Genius grins and the newgirl smiles back.

Within seconds, another door flies open and two other guys appear. Katie grins; it's Mitch and Jerome, with Dillon the bat flying behind them. Jerome runs up to Katie and hugs her tightly. "Katie!!"

"Jerome! Hey, how have you and Mitch been? I've missed you two so much!"

"We're great, thanks for asking! We've missed you as well!" Jerome adjusts his bear hat and Mitch puts a hand on her shoulder in an almost brotherly manner. They look so happy to see her.

"Hey KM. How you doing?"

"Doing great, thanks for askin'!" the trio group hug, with Dillon perching on her head and squeaking happily. The others look confused. Aviator taps Jerome on the shoulder and Jerome turns to look at him.

"You two know her?" he asks curiously, and both Jerome and Mitch nod. "How? And why have you never told us before?" Zack flails his arms around crazily, and everyone laughs.

Jerome chuckles and sorts his hat out again. "We were fighting some zombies in the forest to get some apples and we found her being attacked by some monsters. We got her out of there and gave her that sword for protection." He raises an eyebrow. "I see you finally decided to join the Minecraft Flats then."

Katie nods and smiles. "Yep! I'm through with living in my little town. Here is much nicer! It's so beautiful! I can't wait to start living here!" Mitch grins and gives her a hug. She hugs back, and he strokes her hair a little. She snuggles close to him; they seem to be pretty close.

Just then, Deadlox notices something on her neck, hiding behind her bright pink hair. He taps Katie on the shoulder and she lets go of Mitch, turning to him. "Katie? What's that black thing on your neck?" he asks curiously. She bites her lip and looks scared. "Don't have to tell if you don't wanna... I-I'm only asking.."

"It's fine. You lot may as well know now." She moves her hair out the way, revealing the back of her neck to be black. Everyone gasps and she looks shy. Small Ender-wings appear behind her and seem to fold around her, like a shield. "I-I'm an Endergirl. D-Don't worry, I won't attack or anything, I swear." Jerome puts an arm around her protectively, and Mitch brings out his sword which he has on his back.

"Biggums, don't be so defensive!" warns Jerome, and Mitch sighs and puts away his sword much to his disliking. "There we go."

Deadlox grins and his Ender-wings appear as well. He takes her hand and grins. "Y-Your the the only one who's an Ender-Person in this World." KM grins and hugs him tightly, squealing a little. He hugs her tightly and his eyes go purple. Her already deep purple eyes seem to sparkle even more than before.

Husky claps. "Hey, another one for the party!" he cheers, and Sky raises an eyebrow; he's quoting what AntVenom had said during their crazy Hide And Seek party one time. He chuckles as he remembers that time; it was complete chaos, but it was so much fun.

"You two are gonna get on just fine then! And to think you two are in the same room! I think Seto might be up to his magic tricks again!" chuckles Tyler, and Bodil nods in agreement.

-20 minutes of introductions, talking and baguettes later-

"So, where are you gonna sleep then Katie? We only really have three bedrooms, one for each of us... You could sleep on the couch?" Aviator tilts his head, not sure where the Ender-girl will sleep. The apartment was more like a suite than anything, but it was still small and only had three bedrooms that were big enough for beds, a small table, a wardrobe and enough room to actually move around.

Ty shyly puts his hand up and smiles a little. "S-She could sleep in my room, I don't mind... A-After all, we're both Ender-folk right? I-It only makes sense if we share a room," he stammers a little, blushing slightly pink. Katie smiles shyly and Adam chuckles.

"Alright, Ty and Katie can share a room together then. You two better not start having sex or anything!" Adam  jokes, making KM blush furiously and Deadlox glare at him. Aviator laughs and pats Katie on the back.

"Welcome to the family, Katie. Get used to it, we're all complete weirdos in one way or another!" he chuckles and Ty rolls his eyes. "Adam is weird in SO many ways but he's Adam so we can't complain."

Sky pouts, clearly a bit annoyed, and Deadlox can't help but laugh. "Don't do dat duck face!" he says, repeating what he had said earlier on. Zack laughs and grins, and Katie laughs as well. Finally, Adam relaxes and laughs as well.

"WHO LIKE MINECRAFT?" Sky shrieks in his usual loud voice.


"WHO LIKE MINECRAFT?" shout Deadlox and KM in unison.

"WHO LIKE MINECRAFT?" Husky, Bodil and Tyler all shout from their room.

"WE ALL LIKE MINECRAFT!!" yells everyone, before laughing. The whole area was filled with the laughter of all the Youtubers living in their Minecraft apartments, grinning and smiling happily. A new arrival meant new friendships, new romances and more.

Welcome to the Minecraft Flats.

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