Next door neighbours (omegaverse)

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Keith frowned down at his sketchbook and sighed. No matter what he did the drawings were always missing something that he couldn't quite figure. He thought about it yet again as he plugged in his headphones and turned on the music. Keith walked over to the bed and lied down staring at the celling with a frustrated look on his face. 

"Hey Keith could you come down here for a second?!" he heard Adam call from the living room downstairs.

Keith groaned when he tried to get up (keyword:tried) and somehow got his leg tangled in a blanket  and fell face down on the cold hard ground but still got up.

When he got down he saw Adam and Shiro in the kitchen, Adam was making Onomichi noodles while Shiro was setting the table with the fancy porcelain dishes his mom had given him when he moved out. But we never use those and why are there four dishes?

"Oh Keith! Remember how we helped the people next door move in yesterday? Well today Adam and I asked them if they would like to join us for dinner but only one of them could come since the others are working. It's the tall tan alpha who you were interested in, what's his name?" Shiro asked 

" i think it was Lance but i'm not sure. Keith, i was wondering if you could make your cinnamon and walnut hetteok?" Adam smiled and gave Keith a pleading look. 

"Fine but only because you're making my favourite noodles. When is he coming?" Keith asked trying to find the ingredients .

" around half past seven. You have an hour." Shiro said

Time skip*

Knock knock 

"I'll get it!" Shiro said. In the past hour Keith had finished making desert and changed to a red crop top with a white cat print and put his hair up in a short ponytail. Adam noted that Keith only wore crop tops in when he was alone or when he was trying to impress someone he really liked and smirked but didn't say anything.

"Hi You're Lance right? Welcome in! This is my husband Adam and this is Keith , My brother." Shiro said pointing to Adam and Keith and then whispered something that made Lance go red. "nice to meet you Lance! I hope you like noodles ." Adam said smiling brightly. 

"It's nice to meet you to Mr. Shirogane. I love noodles." Lance grinned 

"oh call me Adam please" Adam smiled and they all began to sit down.

"mmm these noodles are amazing" Lance almost moaned as he started eating choosing to use the chopsticks instead of western utensils impressing both the older japanese man and younger korean teenager.

"thank you Lance. Say are you in college now?" Adam asked.

"ah, yes i go to Altea university It's my second year there" Lance smiled politely.

"Altea university?" Keith asks "that's the same school i go to " He says blushing lightly

"it is? That's so cool! Well see each other all the time!" Lance exclaims enthusiastically making Keith blush. 

"who wants desert?" Adam asked grining knowingly

"i do!" both Shiro and Lance yelled.

Keith giggled at their enthusiasm and Adam got the pancakes .

"omg this is so good!" Lance yelled "yeah of course it is Keith made it" Shiro smiled "really?! You made this Keith?"

"yeah i did" keith blushed turning as red as his shirt.

"that's awesome. Nice crop top by the way." Lance blushed lightly, Keith only turned redder.

"oh um Keith? Me and Adam are heading to Matt's house because we forgot that movie night was tonight and Lance? Feel free to stay as long as Keith lets you." Shiro chuckled and winked at Lance. Keith knowing full well that the movie night was in fact not today glared at the couple as the left but they both brushed it off with a grin.

"so uh Keith? W-would you.. Would you like to go on a date with me? We could catch a movie! Or dinner wait maybe that's a bit to formal...  Mayb-" Lance was cut off by Keith's lips softly touching his own and Lance would be lying if he said that his heart didn't skip a beat when it happened. He didn't expect to actually get a kiss from Keith and definitely not one so sweet and soft. 

When they pulled apart  they both turned flaming red

"so um was that a yes?" Lance asked

"yes, of course i want to go on a date with you." Keith smiled

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