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Liam's Pov

Beeep Beep Beep

I woke up and got out of bed,after spending all night at the park I decided that when I woke up this morning I would go about it as if it were any other day.But it wouldn't be because today would be the first day I saw Harry after our whole incident.After getting out of the shower and getting dressed I decided I looked good enough to leave.After saying bye to my mum,I climbed into my Range Rover and drove to school.Once at school I parked and my inttention was to walk to my locker but the first step I took outside of my car I was instantly punched.

"Hey baby" he said.

I knew not to respond knowing that would only result in more punishment.

"So LiLi heres what going to happen we are going back to my house and i'm going to make you explain to why you haven't been answering my calls texts or emails okay?" Harry explained to me

before I had time to respond I was a;ready being lifted into the air.really again!

I decided it would be a great time to speak but instead of being harsh and glaring or sweet and kind I decided to do both at the same time

"Harry! I have my own to feet I can walk by myself thank you" I said harshly.

"But if you wanna carry me I'm ok with that too" I said then smiled sweetly. The look on Harrys face was priceless but he soon noticed what I was doing and shrugged it off.He took me to his car ignoring all of the questioning glances from Louis and drove me all the way to his house.

Once we got there he tied me to a chair making sure that I wouldn't just leave like last time.

"So LiLi wanna tell me where you've been these past couple of days?" He questioned

"No" I responed shortly

All of a sudden I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek.Ilooked up to Harry with tears in his eyes.

"I sorry baby I didn't mean it all never hurt you again"He said after all that rambling he bent down to kiss my still burning cheek but I turned my head on accident so we were full on

After I turned my head I kinda opened my mouth and he gladly let his tongue find it's way to my mouth.After a couple of minute he pecked my lips before pulling away and resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you Liam" He said.

"I love you to Harry" I said

He untied me and we went upstairs to his room and cuddled until three when he drove me back to school to get my car.

(a:n yes! yes! yes! harry told liam he loved him i'm so happy like really happy. In this section is deticated to two people tempered grace because she helped me with a mistake and gemmacook because she was a very nice girl and gave my story a chance.

Why Me? Lirry Stayne AuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora