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I know, even when you act like nothing's wrong
I know that you're worn out
In your eyes that try to laugh
In your lips that try to smile
There is sadness
But I can't do anything about it

I can feel it
It's alright, don't say sorry
Just being next to me is enough
I'll just listen to how you feel
And everything's gonna be fine

I'm not yours (soon to be yours)
But watch over me
I can hug and hold you
With a large back to take you home
I'll take you home

Even with this awkward comfort that doesn't make sense
It gave you strength, back then
It made you smile, why don't I know?
Of course I know, come to me

Just as I am
Watch over me
I'm your person
Who has a large heart to protect you
I'll take you home
Lean on me


DIPOETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang