Chapter 1: Strange

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(Before we begin, I would like to thank Sunshineandhell for helping me create this book! Also, in the story, the mercenare's came back a week after the final battle. Now it's been a month and they're still here.)

Maya's POV
                                            We were fighting Ira today, and for the first time in weeks, Johnny was fighting with us! Though, he looked a little distracted by something. I wonder why.

Ira's POV
Ok, so far, this is the weirdest day of my life!! A few seconds ago, that blonde-knight-in-Splendorian-armour just started staring at me for no reason. He looked like he was going to attack me at any moment so I kept my guard up. He didn't attack...yet.
'Maybe he's waiting for the right moment?'
I thought, but I was still unsure. Then, his gaze grew sharper like he was judging me.
'What is up with this guy?'
I thought, slightly creeped out by his constant staring. Now I'd had enough.
Me:"ok, Mr. Blonde-ponytail, are you going to stop staring at me like that or what?!?!"
Blonde dude:"huh?"
Me:"well? Are you gonna just stare at me like a weirdo or are you gonna fight like a warrior?!?! Cause if you don't wanna fight...I suggest you leave."
I said, coldly. The man just looked at me in shock, I sigh,
Me:"look, I've seen how Splendorian's fight, and they're NOT, that's tells me that you're holding back because I'm a teenager. But, trust me when I say, I'm stronger then you think."
Then his expression changed and he kind of looked like he was...proud of me? Hah? What the heck? No, he was probably just being weird again. You know what I realize? That everyone that's on the Glitter Force's side is automatically turned WEIRD!! Always talking about love and friendship and how the whole world is great. Ugh, and Diamond's the worst!! She's always trying to "help me be a better person" and trying to "reach my heart" as she says, whoever raised her is probably just as nutty in the head. Although, I am grateful to her. Whatever. Finally, blondie-man attacked my distain.
'Tsk, took you long enough, idiot.'
I thought. The guy was actually really skilled. The Glitter Force then took over and finished the battle off. I left soon after.

Johnny's POV
The battle ended and the Glitter Force and Regina came over to me. They de-transformed.
Maya:"Johnny, what happened? During battle you seemed a little...distracted. Is something wrong?"
Mackenzie:"yeah, you're not usually so reluctant to attack a mercenare or their distain."
Me:"c'mon, girls. I was just testing Ira."
Me:"well, I haven't had a good look at him yet, let alone what kind of kid I'm dealing with, so, I tested him. I must say, he seems like a smart boy and I think he has yet to show us his true power, so, we need to be careful."
Maya:"wow! You got all of that just from one battle?! That's amazing, Johnny!"
I simply smiled.
Me:"well, I'd better get back to the shop, it's almost closing time and Dina needs to take her nap."
Maya:"can we come with you? I'd like to say goodnight to Dina!"
Regina:"yeah, can we?!"
Me:"haha, sure."
We all went back to my shop and the girls visited for awhile. After some time, they got on the topic of their futures and funny stuff they did in the past.
Maya:"hey, Johnny?"
Me:"yes, Maya?"
Maya:"um...I hope you don't mind me asking, but, I've always wondered...did you have any other girls in your life other than the princess?"
Me:"...yes, I in particular changed my life, but...we weren't really meant to be."
Clara:"oh, really? What happened?"
Clara asked, softly.
Me:"...that's a story for another time. Anyway, you're parents should all be worried by now, you should probably go."
I said with a calm smile on my face. The girls all agreed and left soon after. I closed the shop and had a cup of tea. I looked out the window as the sun began to set.
'I can't tell them...not yet.'

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