Part 21

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Rose's prov:

Why, why,why?! Poor Bella she is oblivious. Esme doesn't want us to scare Bella by telling her. It is 2 days till they come and everyone is packing a little bag to take to who knows where.

"Rose we need pack Bella's stuff" Alice sighed

We told Bella we are going on holiday. We walked to Bella's room where she was playing dolls with Edward, that made me giggle. She realised we were there and came and hugged us

"Are we packing for the trip?" she asked sweetly

I nodded and she smiled

"Can I take cuddles?" She asked

I nodded again and she smiled again. Cuddles is her favourite toy, it's a cream bear that always sleeps with and plays with. She picked up the bear and ran to cuddles cupboard to pack its stuff. Edward walked after her. Alice and Myself walked to her closet.

"I'll do fancy dress and half day clothes?" Alice stated

I nodded. I packed her underwear and pj's. I got two pairs of pj's, one was a blue and peach pink striped long sleeve nighty and the other was a pink unicorn onesie. I also packed her slippers and night cloak (dressing gown). I put in a few jackets, scarfs and bennies. Alice ended up doing all the day clothes and left me to do one fancy dress thing. I picked a black flowery dress with black ballet pumps.


Dedicated to my BFF esmelylovesvampires! Ur my BFF!

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