Chapter 1

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The day was just like any ordinary day. You got out of bed. Connected your phone to your speakers to play My Chemical Romance and Panic! at the Disco because. Got back into bed and started crying because no one will ever understand you.
But the day quickly took a turn. You see, living in an orphanage is never an easy task. The constant yelling of the nuns. The weird kids that come and go. The awful food (seriously, you don't know how someone could possibly fuck up chicken as bad as they have). Then you have the fact that you were never someone that parents would pick. The often newly wed couples took one look at you face and nearly vomit every time. No wonder your parents put you up for adoption.
The moment that adult toddler walked through that door is when everything changed for you.

Adopted by Jojo Siwa Where stories live. Discover now