The Talking Girl - Zoe

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The second I walked into school I hated it. All the stares and people whispering about "her" behind her back was getting on her nerves!!!

I was tired of these mortals acting so mean and acting like they know who there are. I decide to ster clear from the humans and and walk on the side of the hallway.

My backpack was on my back like all the other humans Acting like I was reading the plan for the day when all of sadden a girl about my age tapped me on the shoulder a bit shorter but almost unnoticeable but surprisingly looked a lot like me.

Besides having blue eyes and I having bit more chubbier cheeks we could have passed as sisters not counting the ears. We both had curly brown hair and a spray of freckles all over are face we are both really skinny pretty and tall but me still taller. This girl even looked as scared as I felt she looked as if she was scared of flying.

She said "Hi I'm Elaina do you know where Mr.Stocks room is?"

It took me a moment to understand what she was saying about this "teacher" looked down at my paper I was give by the front office and it said Mr.stock first period.

She finally have up on waitting and said " that a no"

"I have no idea" I said "but he is my first instructor as we'll"

She laughed and said "cool then I won't be the only one lost around here."

After more of her talking and talking the magically sound called the bell that's what Elaina called it when it rang and made every one running away. (I wish I had that kind of power.)

Elaina and I were still lost and went from hall way to hall way looking for the room and Elaina just kept talking. After awhile I stopped listening and started to just follow her after around ten minuets we found the class room and went in.

Instantly we found are selfs targeted by tons of eye. Mr.Stocks trying to regain everyone. Cleared his throat and started to talk again. while Elaina and I Shrieked into the back of the class room listening to the teacher.

"Now that you kids are in high school and we don't have to hold your hands any more." Mr.Stock pointed out, "I want you to wight a essay on one thing of the super natural world. It can be anything, from Bloody Mary , to a fairy. And that will be due next Friday."

After he announced The paper every one started to groan altogether. I leaned over to Elaina and said

"I don't get it what is every one mourning for."

Laughing she said "mourn haha that's funny" then said "there sad because we have to do homework."


After class we both said good bye and we departed to are separate next class. I hope I would see her soon cause she was the only human that I knew so far.

I hope I would make friends.

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