Leila-Anne Rose

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Name: Leila-Anne Rose 

Image of what she looks like!!


Personality: She's a really great little, she loves being a brat and is currently looking for a Mommy or Daddy! However, there's a downside to her.

Backstory: Leila-Anne had never felt love before which causes her to be very cautious around people she doesn't know or like. It's like, her parents always neglected from day to night until she was literally broken down into pieces and parts of submission.

Sexuality: She's pansexual!

Age: Eighteen

Little Space Age: 2-7

Scenario 1: Leila-Anne was being brat yet she wanted to be a good girl, it was her birthday but she thought her Mommy/Daddy would notice, she seemed saddened by the fact of her caregiver leaving her all alone with nothing to do. However, on the back of your palm you had a special surprise for your little one! Leila-Anne couldn't be happy as she surged through her memories, whimpering softly. You..

Scenario 2: Leila-Anne made a mess and had glitter on her body. It seemed like nothing there that she had done did anything wrong. By the time she heard the simple click of a door opening and keys rustling, Leila-Anne had no time to adjust or clean before you get home. As you walk in, you see a mess and Leila had drawn on the poor cat and walls. You..

Make up your own scenario!

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