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This is my first attempt at making a new shifter style tale. I promise that the werewolf romance and drama and stuff will appear a few chapters in. Each of my chapters will be about 6 pages so please look forward to it!! Comment and vote and if any grammar issues point them out!...Just don't be rude! :D


6 Months Later...

I squeal and whine and whistle my agitation and stress.

My mouth is wide open showing my many sharp teeth and my large, human fittable mouth.

When I felt the human trainer come near me I whip my head from side to side and try to hit him with my fluke, splashing and spraying the water everywhere.

"Shh." The man says. "I'm here to help you," He reaches out and touches the top of my head near my blow hole. "you don't have to be afraid, I'm a friend." He says in a quiet voice but I know better, plus with his hand near my only breathing apparatus, I instinctively freak out even more and try to move my head beyond his reaching hands.



I even blow out a loud and obviously not funny raspberry at him to get the point that I was not making nice.

He laughs at my antics thinking they were cute but I SO. WAS. NOT!

The trainer in his black wet suit asks for a bucket where he fills it up with the tank water that isn't even real ocean water, and pours it over my back relieving the dryness and itchiness.

My stomach rumbles but the man couldn't hear it since I was making so much noise along with the creak of the wooden crate and me swinging in a sling was SO not helping me.

The jet begins to descend and I feel my stomach drop and I just quiet down as the FEDEX plane lands and I feel the bump and strain even with me in harness.

The back hatch opens startling my whale instincts and I just make even more noise that falls on deaf ears and then I tense when they begin to shout about pulling me out of the plane. Within a few minutes I feel the mechanisim attached to my crate move me out of the dark belly of the plane and into the light runway of the airport I'm assuming is somewhere in the South of the freakin' USA.

I hear voices in the background and see flashes go off above the crates wall and figured out that news reporters were here capturing my momentus appearance...NOT!

I lift my tail one more time in an attempt to hit one of the wet suit people that wasn't the guy who was currently by my head petting me like a common land dog.

Oh. Hell. NO!

I know that I'm being boarded upon a truck since there can't be anything else that can carry my two in a half ton weight.

I begin to daze off since the sling was swaying me to sleep and my itchy back was killing me and I couldn't do anyt....ahh....

I feel the crew pouring water over my back and fins to keep them from drying out. I felt a slap on my back and then more. I start to freak out but notice that my back isn't drying out as fast. They must have put a wet towel on me.

Grumbling I just swing and doze off for a few hours...

A Whale of a Land LoverWhere stories live. Discover now