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Hey My Demons!!! How are you?
Anyways I hope you enjoy, please don't be shy, like Killian, and press the vote button and leave a comment! I love all you Demons!! And I hope you enjoy!!

~ James Owen's POV ~

      I woke up to my alarm and I almost peed myself, because it's been a long time since I had to use my alarm. Yeah today is the end of all the happy memories of just laying in my bed all day. Today is also the first day I get to go to college, well just move there. As I sat up in my bed I heard a knock at my bedroom door, probably just my mom.
      "I'm getting up, Mom," I whined. Then the door flew open and I was tackled back down into laying position.
      "How dare you speak to me that way, Owen," I heard them say with their face buried in my clothed chest.
      "Sorry, Kaitlyn. I thought you were my mom trying to harass me about getting up." Kaitlyn is my best friend and she is the only one that can call me Owen besides my parents.
      "Hey," my mother scolded. She try to keep a straight face as she walked over to me, but it broke into a big smile.
      "Hi, Mom," I said as she stood by my bed and Dad not falling far behind her walked up next to her. I wrap my hands around Kaitlyn as she falls asleep where she is standing, I swear this girl can fall asleep anywhere. "Hi, Dad."
       "Hi, Son," he cheered, then glanced over to Kaitlyn asleep in my arms. "How many times has she fell asleep standing up?"
      "I don't know, Dad. Good question." I look to Kaitlyn and screamed "BOO!" She jolted up with big brown eyes as her black hair fell in her face. I couldn't help the chuckle as it turn into a belly holding laugh. ", that was priceless," I mange to say between laughs calming down. She slapped my chest, straighten up, and giggled at her own self.
      "You guys might want to be heading out soon," my dad said while looking at his watch.
      "Aww...I'm gonna miss my babies," my mom teared up while hugging us both. Kaitlyn and I have been best friends for so long that my mom considers Kaitlyn as her own. Kaitlyn's family is not really attentive to her so she hangs out at my house all the time. Once Mom was done hugging us, she left us alone to get ready. "There will be breakfast downstairs you guys," Mom said while exiting my room.
      "Okay I'm gonna take a shower, can you pick out an outfit for me," I said to Kaitlyn. She nodded while I got up, grabbed a towel and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

~ Killian's POV ~

      "Killian, wake up. It's time to go to College," my dad said in a baby voice. What the hell? I'm 300 years old and he still acts like I'm 50 years old!
      "Shut up, Dad," I groaned.
      "Don't you dear talk to me that way," he growled.
      "Sorry, Dad. It's just early."
      "Oh it's okay, Pookie Bear."
      "Oh my life, please just go away." I threw my pillow at him when he entered the room, he obviously caught it.
      "Here." He put a blood bag on my bed side table. "Make sure you're ready in thirty minutes," he said then walked out. I grabbed the blood bag, extending one of my sharp nails, I poked the bag and started drinking. I slowly stood up, grabbed black jeans, red crimson shirt, and walked over to my bathroom to take a shower. Once I entered my bathroom I was slapped on the butt, I knew exactly who that is. I turned around ready to beat the living shit out of this person.
"Jayden!" He is my best friend so I don't care if I yell at him, his green eyes became wide, then into amusement and his brown hair fell in his face. "Fuck off! I need to take a shower!" I pushed him out of the bathroom, making him whine, because he knew he couldn't fight back.
"But Killian," he whined while I shut the door on his face. "Are you ready for college?"
"You are just as irritating as my dad." I ignored whatever protest he had left and turned to shower head on. I glanced in the mirror as I stripped into my birthday suit, I have a lean, but a strong body with porcelain skin. My black hair is short but forms around my face and my eyes are a stunning crystal blue. I hope into the warm shower, wash myself, and relax under the steaming water.

  ~ James Owen's POV ~

      I look into the mirror with a towel around my waist, my skin has a very light tan making me look human and not like a vampire. Even though vampires are sexy as fuck, they all look kinda dead, but that's kinda the point. Then I glance up to my hair as I fix it, my hair is dirty blonde and my eyes are sea green.
      Once I'm done in the bathroom, I walk into my room to see Kaitlyn laying on the bed, passed out. In front of her are the clothes she picked for me. I slipped on black boxers, then dark blue skinny jeans, and then picked up the grey short sleeve button up shirt. I put everything on, looked in my full length mirror for the last time to make sure I look good. I glance over to Kaitlyn while she sleeped and thought of a fun way to wake her up. I walked over to Kaitlyn, had a second thought and just gently woke her up. She groaned and protested, but I finally got her up. Her hair was everywhere and I couldn't stop myself from laughing really hard.
       "What," she whined.
       "Just go look at yourself," I laughed. She walked towards the mirror and I followed. She looked at herself, she frowned and left the room without a word, I'm guessing going to the bathroom.
       I made my way down to the kitchen where my parents were setting the food down for breakfast. I gladly sat down as Kaitlyn entered the kitchen with her black raven hair beautifully brushed and sat beside me.
      "You look great," I smiled. She just looked at me then gave my the bird with a happy smile on her face.
       As we all ate breakfast, we all shared what we hope is going to happen in the next couple of months at college. We were finally done, Kaitlyn and I packed the last things as we said our last goodbyes for a little while. Giving my parents a hug, Kaitlyn and I hopped into the car, me driving of course, and rode off into the sunrise, literally into the sunrise I could barely see. I'm so excited to start this new journey with my bestie and I cannot wait to see if I can score a man!

~ Killian's POV~

      Jayden and I hopped into the car quickly after I did my business getting ready. I drove off saying goodbye to my parents and rushed to the hell that awaits me, wanting it to end already!


Thank you all for reading!! I hope you like it!! I love you my Demons!!! Tell me what you thought and yeah, see you next time!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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