A Return Of Hope?

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2 years later

Valeria's POV

I couldn't believe it. Two years. It has been two years since Loki. I still remembered him and loved him, but I have healed and moved on. I couldn't believe how far I came after that. I was so broken and yet, now I am working with my dad in his lab. I moved back to Manhattan, but Jane and Darcy moved with me. We got a three bedroom apartment for the moment since I became a bit overdue on my rent and they didn't really know the city. We became very close and of course Molly and Lindsey were upset, but I don't see them as much anyway. 

Lindsey married Gavin and moved to California and she is now 4 months pregnant, but we still skype every now and then. Molly is in Florida with her new boyfriend. The only person from our original group I still hang out with is Danny who stayed in Manhattan. I was working with my dad now because after the whole hiding Loki thing, Fury thought it would be best to let me go. Though I was technically part of the Avengers now so he still had to see me. 

"Hello?" Darcy asked while throwing a goldfish at me.

"Darcy why is it you waste the goldfish?" I ask.

"Because it's what I have in my had to throw and it's better then wasting the whole bag," she says. I laugh and shake my head. Jane walks into the kitchen with a smile.

"Uh oh, what's up with you happy pants?" Darcy asks.

"I am going to a interview at S.H.I.E.L.D. today, but I don't want the job I just want the few items they still have of mine," Jane replies.

"I thought you got it all back?" I ask.

"Almost," she replies quickly and then leaves.

"I should get going to I have research to do," I say.

"Why is everyone leaving!" Darcy says loudly. I chuckle before walking out and then calling a taxi. When I get to the Baxter Building and up to the lab my Uncle Johnny is there.

"Sup?" He asks.

"Not much how about you?" I ask.

"Well, I have a date tonight," he says cocky.

"You have a date every night," I say while walking into the lab. I was working on my own project. I was seeing the difference between born mutant blood and blood like the Avengers. The results might be able to help with everything going on. I work in the lab for awhile and then hang out with my mom and uncle. Everything is finally normal again.

Loki's POV

I sat in my cell like every other day. Some days it was more boring than others, but today was different. I shut my eyes for a moment and when I opened them I wasn't in my cell. I was on Thanos's planet. I turn and see him and The Other standing watching me.

"Hello Loki, it's nice to see you are still alive. I have a matter to discuss with you. I hope you see it my way as well. I have recently found a man named Victor who wants to help me take over that planet Earth. Even though I was disappointed with you before I am certain you won't make the same mistake. We want you to help us. What do you think?" Thanos says. I don't answer at first. 

"Valeria Richards is a interesting creature isn't she?" Thanos asks and The Other nods.

"I will help, but leave her out of it," I say. He tries to hide a sly smile, but I see it and so I then add, "What is it I'm suppose to do?"


I had gotten Thor to my cell a day after I was put back. The guards called him and said I had needed him. He came down and crossed his arms over his chest. I told him what Thanos had told me and he went to discuss it with Odin. My cell opened and guards put chains around my feet, neck, and hands. We then walked to the throne room.

"Are you being honest?" Odin asks quickly.

"I am," I reply.

"Thor is convinced that you should go with him to warn the Midgardians," Odin adds.

"He will contact me again," I say with a smirk.

"I presume that's a yes on your part," Odin utters to himself. He sits still for a moment and then nods at Thor. 

"If you do as you are saying and save Midgard you will not have to return to the cell Loki and you may leave in peace among the Asgardians. But fail again and Frigga will not be able to save you from execution, understood?" Odin questions.

"Understood," I reply and then the guards come and take the chains of me. Thor and I walk toward the Bifrost and are quickly sent to Midgard. It takes us a few minutes, but we eventually find STARK Tower and go inside. The man won't let us up until Thor moves him out of our way. We get up and the elevator opens revealing Tony Stark and his blonde woman.

"Pointbreak! Rock of Ages! What are you doing here?" He asks. Thor smiles and hugs him.

"My friend we need to get everyone here. We have some bad news," Thor tells him. He nods and the blonde woman goes to make the calls. In the next 20 minutes everyone is entering.

The elevator opens once again to reveal the man with arrows and Valeria. I stop breathing and they enter and when she looks up she freezes. Thor moves past me and gives her a hug. She looks as breath taking as always.

Valeria's POV

I couldn't believe he was here. I was going to ignore him at all cost though. I was going to make sure I don't let him near my heart again. We all sit down as Thor and Loki explain what we were all called for.

"Wait Victor is working with Thanos?" My Uncle Johnny says.

"Correct Firefly," Tony says. 

"We are missing a piece," I mumble to myself.

"But what?" Clint asks me. He was sitting right next to me, so he heard me.

"I don't know, but Victor always has a big motive," I say while looking at my family who nod in agreement. 

"Well looks like we need to start trying to figure that out," Natasha says while eyeing Clint and I again carefully. 

"Well let's all meet up here tomorrow at seven?" Bruce asks and we all nod. As we start leaving I go to Thor.

"I have a surprise for you," I say and his eyes brighten. I quickly add, "But, you have to come with me."

"Of course, but Loki has to go with us," he says quietly and I just not and suck in a breath. The three of us get a cab and go to my new apartment.

"What happened to your old one?" Loki asks.

"I got behind on rent while I was.....away," I say sharply and then get out of the taxi. The follow suit and follow me until we get to my door. I open it and look in and hear Darcy's IPod playing loudly on our dock. I smile and open the door fully and they follow. Once the door is shut the music goes down a little.

"Hey Valeria! I have a sciency question for you!" Darcy yells.

"Oh no," I mutter and Thor looks confused. We continue walking and I stop before the living room and peak in. Darcy smiles at me and stops dancing for a moment. I point at Jane and she goess over and pokes her and gets her up. Jane walks over with concern on her face. I pull Thor around the corner and both of them freeze, but their eyes light up.

"How did you?" Jane says.

"Long story," Thor replies. Loki then walks around the corner and Jane and Darcy seem amazed to see him.

"What in the world is going on?" Darcy asks.

"Very long story."

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