Chapter 3: Yo That's The Tea

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The blinding rays of the sun filtered through the window, unfortunately, awaking a sleeping beauty. Taurus shielded her eyes and blinked in attempt to recapture her deprived vision.

"We have got to get some curtains," she muttered as she remorsefully unswaddled herself from the soft, white comforter that embraced her. Goosebumps immediately mobbed her body and a chill coursed through her spine.

Taurus was not a morning person. Everyone who knows Taurus knew that. When it came to scheduling classes for first semester, it was a surprise to everyone that she had decided to schedule all of her classes as early in the morning as possible.

"It'll be a fresh start for me in college," she reasoned with her family and friends, "I'm sick of wasting my day by sleeping; early classes will get me motivated to actually be productive for the rest of the day!"

Nobody believed this, of course, but they knew their argument held nothing to the stubborn bull, so they let her do what she wanted.

Taurus was in deep regret, pulling a pale green sweatshirt over her head and looking at herself in the mirror.


The shadows seemed to bulge under her eyes, and with her deep brown eyes, she looked slightly like a demon on the verge of killing an entire family. It was the first day of class and she looked like shit. She was a fashion major, and she looked like shit.

Her eyes impulsively traveled over to the concealer on her desk. Concealer fixed everything, right? Concealer can hide acne, pimples, acne scars, red spots, all your insecurities and flaws, the pain from your dad leaving you.

Concealer: the holy grail of makeup.

The soft beeps from her phone broke Taurus's trance, and only furthermore increased her miserableness. She was going to be late if she didn't leave within the next few minutes.

Taurus let out a heavy groan and glared at her roommate who was sleeping peacefully. She had nothing against Virgo, she was simply envious of her getting to sleep at this dreadful hour of the day.

With another deep sigh, Taurus sloppily threw her hair up into a ponytail with a simple hair tie, snatched her phone, keys, and bag, and raced out the door.

'I'm definitely getting coffee after my first class,' she aimlessly thought as she meandered to the elevator. Lost amongst her daydreams of sweet, creamy lattes and caffeine, Taurus failed to see the hazard in her path until she bumped straight into his back, rather harshly.

"Ow, what the hell," she sneered and rubbed her throbbing forehead.

Libra raised his eyebrows in amusement and looked down at her, "Well a good morning to you too."

Heat rushed to Taurus's cheeks as she realized it wasn't a wall she ran into, no, it was her insanely tall floormate. She nervously bit her lip, "Um sorry, I just wasn't expecting anyone else to be up so early."

Libra's smooth laughter flitted through the air, a mellifluous sound that was no doubt contagious. An easy smile stretched across his lips, "So you don't normally run into people for fun?"


Taurus didn't mean for it to come out as a question, she just couldn't think straight in the mornings. The elevator doors creaked open and the two trudged inside.

A comfortable silence washed over them as the elevator descended; Taurus peaked at the time on her phone.

There was a one hundred percent chance that she was going to be late to her first class on the first day of school. She scrunched her nose, a habit she did when she was stressed. Libra noticed her stoic stance, her eyes unmoving from the elevator doors.

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