50 3 3

Jackie smiled seeing the contact name and the cute penguin avatar that seemed to suit the name. She clicked at the last message on the board and her smile grew wider.

otisthepenguin: heeey

otisthepenguin: you here?

jblythe123: hiyaa

otisthepenguin: how's it going?

Horrible, everything's going worse than ever, mum's gone again...

jblythe123: fine

otisthepenguin: just fine?

jblythe123: peachy

jblythe123: hbu?

otisthepenguin: peachy

otisthepenguin: :-))))

jblythe123: duuude no

otisthepenguin: ;-))))))

jblythe123: i meAN IT

otisthepenguin: ;------)))

jblythe123: is2g im never talking to u again

otisthepenguin: okay i'll stop

jblythe123: thank god

otisthepenguin: if you tell me the thruth

jblythe123: wot

otisthepenguin: i mean you're clearly not fine

jblythe123: we've been talking just for 2 months and u know me better than half my whole town wow

otisthepenguin: come on what's wrong, j?

otisthepenguin: you can talk to me

jblythe123: ik...

jblythe123: have i ever told u about my mum?

otisthepenguin: a bit, yeah

She told him about that time her mum set the kitchen on fire, and that time she caught her making out on the couch with a drug dealer. He told her he was sorry.

otisthepenguin: why?

jblythe123: she just

jblythe123: she's hardly ever here with me i mean she works like near london which is far away from my city and idk i just don't get it

otisthepenguin: you don't get what?

jblythe123: idk i just don't get why working miles away from home when u have a 15 yo daughter

otisthepenguin: i'm sure she cares about you a lot, you're great and i guess she just wants the money so you can be happy??

otisthepenguin: also milions of teenagers would kill to be in your position

jblythe123: well not me

jblythe123: i'm alone here

Ask her, don't ask her, ask her, don't ask her... Otis was having trouble deciding on what do to, and said trouble had Jackie waiting for a response for an hour.

otisthepenguin: hey, where's here?


jblythe123: in my town

otisthepenguin: i know but where do you live?

jblythe123: why should i tell you?

otisthepenguin: we're friends, right?

jblythe123: yeah

otisthepenguin: we could be pen pals! lol

jblythe123: i guess we could lmao

otisthepenguin: so where are you from, j?

jblythe123: holywell, england

The coke Otis was holding fell to the ground and the gasp that left his lips was heard by his 86 y.o neighbour.

otisthepenguin: j i dks

otisthepenguin: kksWNKKS J!!!

jblythe123: dude wtf

otisthepenguin: I'M FROM HOLYWELL, J!!!!

Her heart made this weird backwards flip and the breaths she was calmly taking got caught up in her throat. Her online friend was from Holywell. Fucking little boring Holwyell a.k.a Holyhell. That couldn't be happening.

jblythe123: well fuck me sideways



so j just wanted you to know that i know there are many mistakes in this chapter bUT IT'S ALL COS OF THE CHAT YKNOW?? also as u can see jackie writes worse than otis lmao otis u r too cute

so yeah until next time - ali xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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