boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider,girls go to college to get more knowledg

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Princeton: I love you but we have to break up.
Beauty: why?
Princeton: it's not you it's me.
Beauty: I hate you.
Princeton: why do you hate me?
Beauty: Because you just broke up with me.

At Lunch that day
ROC: you alright bro?
Princeton: no,I just made the biggest mistake in the world.
Ray: yes you did now Daniel's trying to get with that.
Prod: ray you are no help when it comes to prince.
Prince: I really messed up.
ROC,ray & prod: yes you did very badly.

After School
Beauty and the girls were talking about the break up
Beauty: how could he do this do me.
Baby doll: he's just had a lot of things on his mind right now.
Briana: yeah girl.
Stephanie: yes he has and I live in the house next to him to.
Beauty: go over to his house and see if he will talk to you about it. OK
Stephanie: OK.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2014 ⏰

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