Kazuno Moroboshi

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"I will illuminate the stage!"

Kazuno Moroboshi is a first year middle schooler and idol at Four Star Academy. His prefered brand is Magical Toy.

Age: 12

Type: He doesn't even know

Occupation: Idol, Student 

Affliction: Four Star Academy, Clockwise Showman, Dance Class, Cascade


Appearence: Kazuno has brownish-purpleish hair and yellow eyes. Although he looks eight or nine, he is actually older.

Aura: Chibi sticker-like lions, tigers, and zibras performing circus tricks. Colorful jewel stars and dots raining downs on him.

Personality: Kazuno is boastful and a bit of a know-it-all. He hates it when people look down on him (which is a lot since he's so short). 




(Headmaster) Hikaru Moroboshi - Kazuno's father. And although he's the headmaster's son, Hikaru will not let his son get away with anything.

Ryu Kizuru - Kazuno tried to get Ryu to join him in a unit, however his rather rude approach made Ryu distant around Kazuno. The two haven't gotten along well since.

Kokoro Sunao - The first friend Kazuno made at Four Star Academy. The two share a deep bond and Kokoro even lets Kazuno ride on her back quite frequently. The two are fellow members of Clockwise Showman and Cascade.

Mikan Tsubasa - At first, the two didn't get along well. But after Kazuno's 13th Birthday party, the two have become good friends.

Chase Hoshimiya - After hearing of his parents' idol background, Kazuno has been pressureing Chase to be an idol. When Kazuno prevaled, the two became fellow members of Cascade.


* He constantly changes his idol type to suit his own idol needs

* He enjoys horsey back rides

* He has a fear of the dark

* His favorite foods always have oranges

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