(Somewhat) Exciting News

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As sad as it makes me, POTC is going to go On Hold for a bit.

But it's for a good cause :)

I've actually gotten a team of a few beta readers and an editor to help me make POTC into a full, one-day-published novel :0

Obviously (as it is fan fiction) certain aspects will have to be changed and altered, and it will take time and patience. However, once it's done I think it'll be amazing.

I wanted to let you all know since updates will be stalled (even though my overall update schedule has been delayed because I'm unloyal), but this will also give me a chance to focus more on the Phobia Series and such.

As for Pisanthraphobia, I've been experiencing some "writers block", in the sense that I know where the series needs to go but I'm having trouble getting there. Any feedback or tips from more experienced writers is appreciated :)

Thank you all (once again) for literally everything, whether you're a reader, a casual, or a follower. You all inspire me even though I'm figuring things out right now, and it makes me incredibly happy.

I've already received a few, but if you have a request for me or ideas for my books, don't be afraid to message me!

I love making friends and interacting with the reading/writing community <3

I'll be publishing a new chapter for Pisanth. at some point this week 🙃

I'll keep you updated, so keep me updated as well :]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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