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Received at 6:25 AM.
{"Teddy you lazy ass, wake up."}
Received at 6:26 AM.
{"Teddy, I will barge into your home, eat your bread and throw cold water on you. Wake up."}
Received at 6:28 AM.
{"Teddy, why are you like this?"}
Received at 6:30 AM.

I had no motive to move.
No matter how much Ryan blew my phone up.
My forearm rested over my sage green eyes as I let out a soft yawn.
I blinked as my alarm read 6:33 AM.
God, why?

I sat up.
The sun had barely even met the ocean.
And Ryan wanted to be a dick on the first day of sophomore year.

I managed to get out of the comforts of my bed.
As much as I didn't want to.
I knew it was going to be another year of constant teasing.
I decided to develop a crush on bad boy Graham Travis.
I know.
Bad boys are supposed to be left alone.
When it comes to guys like me.
Well guys in general.

Apparently he's a real charmer to the homosexual agenda.
And by that.
I mean he's a homophobic jack ass.
But here we are.
Crushing on the guy who has no idea I even exist.
And when I do?
'Hey you with the face, come here.'
I am not kidding.

The moment I told uncle Kylis that.
He wanted to fight the guy.
I had to talk him out of it though.
Uncle Styx did.

Uncle Kylis was a real hot head, and didn't like it when others started stuff with his family.
According to my mom.
He wasn't like that in the past.
He used to not care.
Oh, and apparently he tried to kill my best friends dad, for his own dads pleasure.

Our parents are sort of complicated with drama?

{"I'm up."}
I texted Ryan back, waiting for the guy to blow me up as I undressed.
Getting into the shower.
I wasn't ready to face the day.
I wasn't ready to face sophomore year, knowing Graham will probably be in all of my classes, ignoring my very being.

{"Damn, and I thought Sean was lazy about sleeping in. About time princess, we're gonna be there in like ten minutes, better be ready ;)."}
Received at 6:40 AM.

After the shower, I got dressed checking my phone with a soft smile.
Ryan and Sean were two of my closest friends.
They were my moms best friends sons.
Rosie Lynn.
The manager of a store the two of them have worked at for years.
Cilor I think was what my ma called it.
But my mom was pretty involved with that place.
Which was nice.

I walked down the hall smelling something burning.
It smelt like toast.
Scrunching my face up in distaste, I braved it up and walked into the kitchen.
Smoke filled the room and my mom was aggressively waving the smoke out the back door.

Another thing I'd like to mention.
Apparently after adopting me, we moved to a much smaller and more family home.
My mom thought living in a five bedroom was over kill for an only child.
Because once my uncles moved out.
My ma suggested for them to move.

So when you come into our new house.
There's baby pictures of me blasted down the halls, and wedding pictures of them every where.
They were the very definition of love.
Which made me jealous at times.

"Is mom trying to cook?" I asked as my ma walked over to me smiling.
Her salt and pepper hair, that was looking more gray, done up in a messy bun.
She kissed my forehead.
"Yes, your mom wanted to make you breakfast for your sophomore year." She told me.
"But you're going to have to settle for school food, because I killed everything I just touched." My mom sighed.

We both looked at her with a pitiful smile.
My attention fell to the front of the house.
Loud music was booming down the street.

"Sounds like trouble." My ma sighed with a smile.
I smirked grabbing my bag.
"Major trouble, I'll see you guys after school." I said kissing both their cheeks.
"Lets go pretty boy!" Ryan yelled outside of the dark red mustang.
Ryan Lynn, one of the most aggravating but sweetest guys you could possibly meet.
My mom said he got that sweet side from Aunt Willow, because there was no way he got it from Aunt Rosie.
Ryan was the twin brother of Sean Lynn, even though they were twins.
They were not identical.
Ryan had a messy head full of black hair with emerald green eyes, and Sean had that wavy but messy brown hair and sea blue eyes.
Like I said.
Not identical.
So there was no real confusion on who was who.

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