Evoution Fighters:Supreme Clan Saga

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Hello readers this is Evolution Fighter's and the main character of this story is Jaden Daniel's a 12 year old martial artists who is a skinny mixed short kid that wants to be a Super Fighter and to be excepted in life.

If you don't know what Super Fighters are they are abnormal people who are strongest being in the world. You can't just become one you have to have license to become one and with that license you are able to do bunch of things.

Your able to get free things with your license its like money, and have access to go into many places. Becoming a Super Fighter will make you one of the strongest in the world and famous too.

You can even enter into Super Fighters League your choice. We're all the strongest of the Super Fighters fight but you have to take school first before your able to get that license.

It's not a normal school it's a martial arts school were u have to take test by fighting and learning technique. The school is called Legends of the Future Fighters. For short it's called LFF.

You can enter anytime in your life when 10, 5, 50 it doesn't matter how old you are but in this school there's mostly kids such as 11,12,and 13 and younger.

Well Jaden has been there sense he was a 9 years old and has gotten really strong sense he has been there.

So the story starts as Jaden practicing some moves such as punches,and kicks in his room.

Each student had a small room that could only fit one person,and not a lot of items.So Jaden walks out of the room to go to the gym to get buff. Soon as he walked in there he started to try to lift 50 pound weights. He tried to push but he couldn't even get it off the stand.

Then a teen came over he was about 17 years old his name was Paul. He had red eyes an he had white short hair and a pale face. Paul had on a black jacket,and black pants too.

"You better stop that or your going to break your back weakling,"said Paul. Jaden felt offended by what he said he was so angry he was going to burst.

So Jaden rises from the lifted bar then started to punch him but Paul just doughs it. "You should have never done that kid you will regret it,"said Paul.

Paul had that soft creep voices that made you afraid of him. "Shut up fool I can take anything you can dish out"!

Everyone in the gym started starring at Jaden,and Paul bickering but mostly Jaden doing all the talking. They started forming a crowd around the two fighters.

Then suddenly bones started come out of Paul hands. Jaden didn't notice he was too angry to see the bones.Then one of the master came out to see what all the commotion was about.

The man was Japanese and was bold and had a long mustache his name was Master Yoshi. Yoshi started to see what was going on.

"Stop"Yoshi commanded Paul and Jaden! Jaden didn't listen he went straight forward to Paul. The crowed in the gym started yelling and screaming and saying "fight fight"they chanted!

"Give me your best shot but you will die your not strong enough to even touch me,"said Paul.

Jaden started rushing in punching and kicking but he dough all of his punishes and kicks. One of people in the crowd were talking to his friends about Paul and saying that he was a terrible person who killed over 1000 guards with his bones.

Paul had an ability that can allow him to form bones out of his body that were deadly. We get back to the fight.

Jaden is still punching and kicking but he is not doing any damage because he can't even touch him he is losing a lot of energy just punching and kicking wasted energy.

"Your not going humiliate me no one is I will beat you no mater what,"said Jaden as he breathes hard!

Then Paul suddenly appears behind Jaden he froze in terror.He was so fast he ran behind in seconds as if he teleported.

Then Yoshi started pushes everyone out the way in the crowd that surrounded the Paul and Jaden.

Paul gets one of his bones out,and the crowd was afraid and stunted. Paul whispered in his ear and said. Don't ever talk to me like that again or I will kill you kid".

Then one of his bones started coming out of his skin and became sharp then he cut off Jaden's hand with one of his bones. Jaden looked at his hand it was just on the floor laying there.

The people watching the two fight were stunned and scared. Blood was everywhere.People ran,and were throw up it was just horrible."Someone get one of the doctors someone's injured"! Yoshi told the people in the crowd people went out to get a doctors to help.

Jaden started to just passed out. "Get out Paul now you don't do things like that,"said Yoshi!Paul walked away looking like nothing didn't happen and went back to his room. Yoshi stands by Jaden saying "everything is going to be fine".


Text copyright © Elijah Duncan ™ 2014-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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