Whose your baby daddy?

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               "YOU DID WHAT?!" As my mother face became red with anger" YOU BETTER TELL THAT WOMAN NOW FOR YOU HURT HER SON!" Then Leon patted my back" damn bro taking after me!" Erica punch my brother shoulder" DON'T PRAISE THAT BEHAVIOR!" As she turned to me " YOU CONFESS TO TRISH ONCE THEM TWINS ARE 2!" My father stood up" everyone calm down...now what my youngest son did was wrong but we can't change the past only the future." I felt more guilty than ever because now Trisha might divorce me once she hears about this. I spoke up" I'm firing the maid once she come back..." my sister gave me a mean glare then said"what the hell is that gonna do Jason the damage is already done!" My bro said" fire her don't keep your hoes at your house." My mother yelled" LEON!" He said" what mom I'm just tellin the truth." Ugh my family sum else but after arguing back and forth with my family I decided once Calveria give birth  Ima confess or maybe earlier. Two weeks passed Trisha and the twins were back home as for the maid, she would be back Tuesday. I peaked into the bedroom to see Asia sleep in her crib but Asiana wide awake in Trisha arms speaking gibberish. I sat next to my wife then asked" have she been to sleep yet?" Trish smiled at Asiana" nope this twin is the active one!" She asked" wanna hold your daughter?" I reached out to hold my daughter and once she was in my arms I  felt guilt ride over me but why? Admiring my daughter I noticed Trisha had took this opportunity to sleep and soon Asia woke up crying. Now I'm on daddy duty till Trisha wake up or maybe Tinana would like to do auntie bonding with the kids. I got out of the bed with Asiana in my arms to go get Asia out of her crib and let's say it took me a while to get Asia to stop crying. I'm getting used to being a daddy of two for now but that's when my phone buzzed. 1 new message from Calveria! My eyes darted to my sleeping wife then to my kids that's when I said to Asiana" daddy gotta put you down for a few so he can read this message...if that's fine with you?" I laid her next to Trish as I read the message from Calveria that read" Jason turns out I'm on my way back today at 7:00p.m." I replied" okay get here safe." Once I hit send Trisha turned to me then asked" who you textin instead of watching the kids?!"  I quickly turned off my phone then said" texting Xavier baby now get your full nap in okay." As I kissed her on the forehead she dozed right back off with Asiana dozing off right behind her mommy. Cute! Now Asia needs to do the same so daddy can go visit his friend tonight. When the sun had set and the moon had rolled up Calveria was back at our house with a bigger stomach than before maybe she is now 4 months. Trisha sister had went back to home to her friend soon to be girlfriend maybe wifey if things go right for the blossoming couple. I asked my wife" can I go over Tiffany house to visit Xavier or no?" I only asked because I don't want to leave her here with the kids if she can't handle it but she said" yeah you can go visit him just be back home to help me out with the twins." I said" alright." *Trisha's POV*  Before he left  I kissed him goodbye and once he left I said"gotta love him." As I smiled the maid said" must be nice to have a nice looking man and adorable kids." I said" it is but I wonder when you are due Claveria?" The maid face became embarrassed because she didn't think I knew she was pregnant...well she should know due to me not long ago being pregnant myself. The maid said as she took a seat on the sofa" well I'm do in 5 months plan on doing a water birth  or just plain pushing." I nodded my head then asked"who is the father and do I know this man?" Silence fell over in the house to where u could hear a pen or pencil drop.

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