How you met

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Bill- the bell just went after your first day at Derry. You were walking down the stairs when you felt someone accidentally push you a little. You trip a few steps but still keep your balance.
"O-oh n-no, im sss-o sorry. I D-di-didn't mean to P-p-push you. W-wait. Your Y-Y/N. The Nn-ne-new girl, Right? I'm B-Bill.

Ritchie- you hade a few coins you stole from your parents. What better way to spend money, then at the arcade! You go to play Pac-Man. You're just about to beat the high score and you notice kids crowding around you. You beat the score and keep playing a little bit longer before Clyde eats you.
"That was something to watch hot stuff. You can come play with my joystick any time. I'm Ritchie. How about you hotness?

Eddie- you were at the drug store getting meds for your anxiety. You were in line behind a small kid in some (sexy ass) red shorts. He gets his meds and turns around and bumps into you.
"holy shit I am so sorry, ughh, I'm Eddie by the way"

Stanly- you were at some weird church like place. Your parents made you go because there friends son was doing a bar Mitsubishi or some crap. You got there and the boy in the middle kept on looking at you, he's face was always red. After the 'important part' you where aloud to sit outside. That's where the boy from the middle came and sat beside you.
"H-hi. I'm Stanly or stan. What's your name?"

Mike- you where helping you dad help his mate on there farm. You where there dor a bit before your dad asked you and another kid to go fix a fence somewhere.
"I'm mike Hanlon, what's your name?" He says putting his hand out to shake,with a smile across his face.

Beverly- your dad said you need to go to this guys house to go get him some alcohol. You got there and he said he's became in a minute and he needs to get something first. You sat on the lounge to wait. Then I girl with short red hair stepped out. "Hi, I'm Bev, who are you?" She said sitting next to talked for a bit before she said "would you think I'm weird if I said you were pretty" and her dad came back.

Sorry, im not doing Ben.


Henry- you were walking down a dirt path that leads to your house. In the way there you say a guy with a mullet sitting at his mailbox.
"Hay you new, I haven't seen you around before?"

Patrick- you were in the woods when you came across a fridge. You opened it and the only thing you can say to what was is side was 'Woah, cool' you say bemding down to get a closer look.
"You like it?" A tall lanky bay says behind you with a genuine smile.

Victor- you ran into him walking to the cafe to get breakfast.
"Oh jeez sorry, I'm Victor.  You?" He ends up buying you a coffee to apologise.

Belch- you were doing a home car wash. He parked in your driveway andsaid: "hay doll, you think you could was this for me? I'll give you 50." He gave you the money with a piece of a paper aswell. Witch had his number on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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