Teammates to lovers reginald x commaderpug (lemon)

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Authors note
Hello everyone this is another special one for one of some of my on discord it'll be 2 ppl that it's commanderPug and Reginald here is what they'll look like

Authors note Hello everyone this is another special one for one of some of my on discord it'll be 2 ppl that it's commanderPug and Reginald here is what they'll look like

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Commander pug or just pug

Commander pug or just pug

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Anyway that's all now let's start this up! Lesbian style!

Meanwhile in a secret military base far far away so uh shhhh
Pug pov
Today we were at base in a meeting as our leader or maybe I like to say my sexy leader Reginald~ were part of a loli military department protecting any loli but also getting rid of traps tbh me and Reginald were like best friends but for awhile I started to grow feelings for her, like I wanted her so badly it just makes me a bit wet but besides the point idk if she really loved me like that tbh I'm kinda weird sometimes but hey some of my teammates don't mind it and just laugh since I could be funny too I had another teammate named josh idk why he is kinda been with his despite he's just a cyborg shota whose basically our weapon but teammate of friend really he tries to help me agin confidence or more to do my best to gain Reginald heart I love her so much that I must win her heart to let her l-

Reginald: pug wake the fuck up!!

Pug; huh?!

Reginald: Jesus buddy I been calling you for like 15 minutes meeting is over

Pug: o-oh!! S-sorry I was just umm t-thinking!

Reginald: oh what was it this time?

Pug: oh nothing don't worry! I gotta go bye!

I quickly ran off to meet josh

Reginald pov
I already had such a huge feeling in my gut that maybe pug loves me, I hope so me and her been friends for a long ass time though idk if she even be into other girls kinda a big risk to ask or whatever to love her but maybe tonight I could try ask her out

Reginald: would she accept tho?..

I was in my thoughts until I noticed another one of josh bot guardians I think his name pathfinder

Pathfinder; oh! Umm hi there! I'm pathfinder I think we already met how are you general Reginald?

Reginald: oh I'm fine..

Pathfinder: do you have a relationship of caring and more with miss pug?

Reginald: what?! N-no!! Of course not!

Pathfinder: then why are you blushing? Am I right?

I sigh as I then nod and he looks then get excited

Pathfinder: oh boy romance I know what could help you!

Reginald: wait what?

Pathfinder: maybe I could help you try gain miss pug heart so you and her could have your relations to her

I blushed red slowly thinking lewd thoughts of me and pug together in bed doing stuff

Pathfinder: so that a yes ma'am?

I quickly shake my head as we both went out to chat and he gave me tips

Timeskip nighttime pug pov
Alright puggy girl today is the night, tonight I'll be asking out my cutie leader Reginald to be my lover! I sure hope it works josh did gave me a lot of tips and stuff to help out so I hope it works.. I wrote a note for her to meet me in my room as I heard a knock what a surprise!

Pug: coming!

I run up then open the door to see Reginald

Reginald: you said you wanted to meet me?

I nod as we then sat on my bed

Reginald: so what is it you wanted to talk about?

Pug; well... Regi we been friends for a long a-and...u-uhhh oh fuck it!

I then smashed my lips into hers as she went eye wide but slowly melt into the kiss as we made out passionately and lovingly with our tongue wrap together fighting for dominance until she won and explored my mouth with her tongue which made me moan softly until we finally needed air and pant a little looking deeply into each other eyes

Pug: I love you Regi I always have for a long time~

Reginald; same here buddy~

I smirk as we the started to take each other clothes off and I get out a dildo for both sides

Reginald: huh, how u bring that without it being found?

Pug: oh I have my ways~ but let's get to the point

I then put the left side dildo into her pissy then my side into mine as we both moan softly and start to scissors each other with the dildo going deeply inside us in and out while we made out and grope each other breast

Reginald: mmm~

Reginald then started to get on top of me as it felt like she was pounding me with the dildo while it kinda pound her too as we moan a bit loud

Pug; ah ah ah~! Yes more~!

Reginald: I love you so much puggy~!

Pug; I love you too Regi~!

We kept going on for awhile until

Reginald: I'm gonna cum~!

Pug: me too but let's cum together~!

We kept going faster and harder until we then moan loudly in pleasure both of us squirting our liquids out with the room filled with moans

Pug and Reginald: ahhhhh~!!!

Next day Reginald pov
I slowly woken up as I wonder what happen last night then look to realize what happen and see a sleeping cutie pug as she was holding my waist while nuzzling and I just smiled so I just hug her and lay back down before kissing her cheek

Reginald: I love my cutie~

And I meant it a lot we may been teammates but to our little secret we'll be lovers~

The end

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