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*Your POV*

"Allow me to explain. The participants will form teams of two to four people as they see fit. In theory it's basically the same as a regular playground game, but there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results of the obstacle course." The blue eyed woman explained how the point value worked and declared that first place had a value of ten million.

Poor Midoriya had no idea what he'd gotten himself into and everyone stared at him with hungry eyes. I had already begun strategising.

'I'm not entirely sure how this cavalry game works but the others do. It'll probably be explained further but for now I'm thinking that it might be similar to capture the flag in a sense that not everyone can go through to the next round so there has to be some form of elimination to the activity. If that's the case then teams with lower scores will be eliminated while people with the highest will continue. That explains why everyone is glaring at Midoriya like he's their next meal. If I group with him everyone will be after our team. If I partnered up with him then everyone would still be after us but relying on my speed and strength I could run and carry him to keep him safe. Though if I group up with someone equally as valuable as myself then we'd have a pretty good chance on our own without getting Midoriya out. But then they might come after us as well considering our points. If they're smart that is. Everyone knows that Midoriya is the ultimate prize. Most will try to find some different way to get him out. Some might have a similar approach to my idea.'

Midnight explained the rules, those being that the person being carried wears a headband with the teams total point value and that harming any teams on purpose will get you disqualified. You needed to steal other teams headbands in order to rack up points given that you need to wear them from the neck up. She then gave us fifteen minutes to decide on our teams.

I looked around the crowd. Midoriya was standing all alone. 'As expected, nobody wants to team with him because they don't want the burden of being chased the entire time. But if I'm right then everyone will try to buddy up with people they know well. That means there's a high chance he'll go with Ochaco and Iida. I can join them maybe. Iida and I are fast so carrying Midoriya and Ochaco around wouldn't be too difficult.'

I started in his direction only to see Ochaco standing with him already and a girl with pink hair. He disappeared momentarily before reappearing with Tokoyami.

'So that's his group huh? Geez, now who am I gonna join?'

"Cat!" I heard my ridiculous name being called out. "You're on my team let's move." I looked over to see Bakugou with Kirishima and Sero.

"What makes you think I wanna join you?" I asked blandly.

"You've got nowhere to go." He grinned.

"Fine then. I assume you have a plan?" I queried as I approached.

"Yeah. Sero can tape us all together so we don't fall and then you can stampede in and snatch that headband off that bastard Deku."

"Interesting, though there's one major flaw."


"You're all to heavy for me to carry. I could drag you along but besides Kirishima, you'd end up scuffed and your clothes would be a repeat of mine from rescue training."

He grinned. "Oh don't worry. I know how to avoid that."

"Very well." I squinted my eyes as though we were having a one off ourselves. "So then boss man, let me guess, you're the rider and we're the packhorses?"

"Damn straight, now hoist pipsqueak." He demanded and we got into formation.

"Dumbhead." I muttered.

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