~Wardrobe Malfunction~

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Tonight was the night of MMA 2018. The boys were dressed in their tuxedos leaving you to be forced to wear a dress.

"But I hate wearing dresses and yous all know that!" You whine to your stylists with cute puppy eyes trying to get out of having to wear a dress on stage and dance in it.

It was a black loose dressed that was short in the front and long at the back along with black heels to match the dress.

The boys and you got prepared backstage to get on stage to perform Idol.

The lights when pitch black as the eight of you entered the stage and got into your positions.

The music began to blast and the lights turned on, leaving the spotlight on us.

Everything was going absolutely perfect until it got to the last and most intense chorus of the song.

You could suddenly hear a very loud rip.

It was the back of your dress....

Down the middle of it showing your bare back.

Your eyes went super wide open along with the boys once they saw your back shining in the bright light.

Jungkook quickly took off his jacket and put it on you before quickly dancing back to his spot and continued to dance.

You were so so embarrassed but super relieved to have a great friend like Jungkook.

The song finished and yous were all lowered underneath the stage and walked back to your dressing room exhausted.

Once you were all inside, you instantly hugged Jungkook tightly.

"Thanks Kookie. I owe you big time."


Hey its Chloe! I know it's been quite a while since I last updated. But I'm finally getting the hang of getting back onto wattpad now. I hope yous can forgive me for being away for so long💕

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