the banshee queen

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10 years ago:
"Sylvanas you can't go the scourge are coming from that way with a death knight" I said.
"I have to go y/n you know that, i was given my orders and so were you"
Sylvanas had walked away leaving me alone.
After a week a scout came back to report the deaths of Sylvanas and her team, i was devastated losing my only friend.
Current day:
I was walking through Dalaran after having run from home after the orc invasion I was eating sour scorpid meat until I saw a troll scout spot me and take off towards Ogrimmor as fast as he could.
I grabbed my bow and started running until I felt a sharp pain in my leg and saw a spear through my left leg.
I fell down and screamed in pain as I was grabbed by 2 orcs in full metal armor as if ready for war. The orcs dragged me to Ogrimmor I felt the glares of thousands of tauren, troll, goblin, blood elves, and orc.
I was brought to the warchief as I was ordered to the dungeon for torturing for 2 months I was beaten bloody and cut by sadistic orcs only added to the pain of the past. They hit me harder making me remember when my mother hit me for not training, "please stop I'll tell you anything" I pleaded through tears and bloody lips one of the orcs grunts then proceeded to say "say your name and any plans of the alliance our warchief could use" I spoke up "my name is y/n Windrunner and I know nothing of what the humans plan".
The second orc spoke up "get the warchief" the first orc went to get the warchief.
After another hour of torture the warchief entered I gasped as I now saw she was an elf.
"Why did you bring me to this prisoner varok?" "So his name is varok" I thought
Varok spoke up " lady Sylvanas he said he doesn't know of the plans of the humans I was hoping you could break him" I started to tear up after hearing the name of my long lost friend Sylvanas
" He starts to cry now knowing he'll be in pain" said Sylvanas, I spoke up "you are no threat to me I know pain I felt pain I was beat near death before I came here after looking for my lost friend".
"What was your name" Sylvanas asked
"My name is y/n Windrunner and I am looking for my lost friend Sylvanas Windrunner"
Sylvanas gasped and looked on the verge of tears and told varok to release me.
Varok grunted but agreed and I was released from chains and fell to the floor unable to Stand from the pain I was fainting from the pain.
I had awoken in a bed with bandages on my cuts I realized I was still in Ogrimmor I felt something and say Sylvanas laying next to me hugging me with tears in her eyes.
I attempted to sit up but Sylvanas's grip was to strong, and Sylvanas awoke "how do you feel y/n" Sylvanas asked, "severe pain" I answered Sylvanas then kissed me and sat on top of me "so y/n how about you marry me and we rule the horde together" I gasped "Sylvanas I would love that" after I said that Sylvanas looked extremely excited and kissed me again I melted into the kiss and Sylvanas had a lustful look in her eyes

Sylvanas took her top off Letting her large breasts fall and breath I blushed and started playing with her breasts causing her to moan and take my pants off to reveal my erect member.
Sylvanas started to suck on my member "I'm about to cum" I said as I came in her mouth she then proceeded to swallow it all and take her pants off "be gentle it's my first time" Sylvanas said as I lined my member up with her soaking entrance  I pushed in as she let out a long load moan I kept pushing until she wrapped her legs around my back tight as I released inside her.
I fell asleep on top of Sylvanas her breasts still in my hands

sylvanas windrunner x neglected night elf readerWhere stories live. Discover now