One Step at a Time

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Varian closed the door behind him, slumping against it. He sighed heavily. Another big work day was finished.

Before he could even call out the two simple words "I'm home," a small figure came running into the foyer from the bedroom, excited.

"Daddy, Daddy!"

Varian chuckled, scooping his little girl up into his arms. "How has your day been, Lady Trystan?"

Even though he called her that every day, Trystan giggled before replying, "good, Daddy. How 'bout you?"

"A little tiring, but other than that, just fine."

A bit of hair blew into her face and he quickly reached to tuck it behind her ear.

"Thanks, Daddy," she whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, anytime," he replied just as Cassandra entered the room, "milady."

Cass grinned- she knew that he was talking to her now. She was still the only person he called "milady," and she was fine with that.

"I already heard how your day was," she said, "so... Sorry I can't ask that."

"Don't be sorry. It means I get to hear more about your day."

"It was hard, Varian," she deadpanned as she took Trystan from his arms, helping her start her bedtime routine, "I had to take care of Reuben alongside Trystan, and then Daniel came in telling me that Fidella was having her foal and that I was the only one who could calm her because she trusts me... And so I had to take both Reuben and Trystan downstairs, and then I had to help Pete and Stan settle Max down and then Clara offered to take care of the kids but they only trust me..."

"Did I do something?"

Cass smiled weakly at her daughter. "No. Mommy's just stressed."

Luckily, tomorrow was supposed to be a pretty laid-back day for everyone.

She stood up, carrying Trystan into the bedroom. Varian promptly followed.

"Good night, Trystan," Cassandra whispered, planting a quick kiss to her forehead, "we'll see you in the morning."

"Night, Mommy."

Varian stepped up to the crib-- which would no longer be there starting the next day-- and also kissed his daughter's forehead. "Good night, little one. I love you."

"Love you, too, Daddy."

Cass smiled as she watched the scene from the doorway. He was so sweet and gentle around the both of them, even though Cass had some... Erm, questionable history and Trystan wasn't even technically his...

Varian turned around and made his way to the foyer, where he immediately plopped down on the couch. Cass sat down next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder. They sat in silence for awhile before she spoke.

"Varian... I've got something that I need to tell you."

"What might that be, Cassie?"

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she moved in closer to him, soaking in his warmth in the midst of winter.

"You've got to be quiet about it, though."

Now Varian's interest was exceedingly piqued, and he pled with his wife until she caved.

"Okay, fine," she said, leaning in to whisper in his ear, "number two."


She sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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