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The sunshine usually woke me up in the morning. Another day was beginning; maybe it's better to say that another boring day was beginning. I got up slowly from my bed and hurried to the kitchen to prepare my morning coffee and quickly made something to eat, then I got in the shower. I usually preferred to take long hot showers or to stay in the tub for hours, but during the week days this was not an option. In less than fifteen minutes I was ready to work. As usual, I took the bus from station 2AB. At 8:30am I was in the office ready for another day.

"Aisha, Mr. Hockson is going to come in few minutes so, make sure his coffee is ready," said Miss Alison.

"Sure thing," I said smiling.

I prepared it in a hurry, like always, and then went back to my office to check my schedule. Of course,  it was Monday, so I had yet another meeting at 3 pm with the boss and finance team. I always hated these tedious, time-consuming discussions about how we should manage the budgets for different kinds of advertising events. Sometimes I don't even know why we even have these meetings.

As the time flew I heard a familiar voice from behind my back, calling for me. It was Jessica, I guess I have  to do something in the design area again. It is not my job, but my boss always said to give them a hand when something is not working properly, so here I am giving them a hand. Until 3 pm I had to perform a number of different tasks, none of which actually utilized my skills as a manager. 

I'm supposed to be the one delegating, and yet here they are giving me things to finish. It was so unfair! At this point, that interminable damn meeting is starting to look like a refuge from all this. I retreat back into the room with my boss and the finance team, now revitalized. I entered the meeting room with a newfound confidence, ready to see what's Monday's big problem. After an hour-long discussion one of the staff said, "I think, pretty soon, we're going to need another person to help us with this project."

"No problem, Aisha has some experience in this area, I am sure she would help you. Right, Aisha?" said my boss, looking at me.

In that moment, I saw black. I was so angry and pissed that I could kill someone. That was the last drop.

"No! No way! I am not going to do that," I said, almost screaming.

"You don't have any choice," my boss replied.

"Really? Don't you think you are treating me like a slave? I am doing almost 50 people's work, on top of my own. I am supposed to be the one managing them! They're supposed to listen to me and follow my instructions, not versa. Do you think I can manage even more?" I said without even caring about the consequences.

"You are being disrespectful right now and you are making a scene," said my boss, dismissively.

"Still am I being disrespectful? Still? Really? You know what? I resign!" I yelled slamming the door.

That was literally the last drop. I don't like to be taken for granted. As I was walking through the door I heard the voice of my boss screaming after me. No, I am not going to look back, not this time. Once I was out of the building I took the bus to the city center and went to a coffee bar. Inside was nice and cozy and a vintage vibe was completing the scene. A nice coffee was exactly what I needed after such a long and complicated day. While I was sitting at one of the corner tables, my phone started ringing. It was my friend, Diane.

"Hey, Diane! What is going on?" I said, a bit off.

"Hey! I was wondering if you have plans for tonight or should I come over?"

"Yeah! I think it is a nice idea! You should bring some Martini's as well. I have a long story to tell you."

"Hahaha, for sure. The big bottle or the medium one? You know what, I will bring a big one." she said, with a hint of joy in her voice.

Well, I guess I should go home and catch some sleep. Who knows what it is going to happen tonight! Lots of things... I bet!

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