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Hey guys! Some of you who've already read Breathless know that I've been working on an original story (aka not a fanfiction) that is based loosely off this book. Well, I'm sooo excited to announce that I've finally posted the prologue and first chapter here on Wattpad! It's called 'falling in love in an empty theater,' and I'd love it if you guys gave it a read. Thank you, and enjoy Breathless!!

The scent of rot attacked my nostrils, forcing tears from the corners of my eyes. I could barely see a thing with the weak beam of my flashlight, but a string of curses told me that Gwen was right behind me, and that she smelled it, too.

"What the hell is that?" She sputtered, her flashlight joining mine in a futile search of the cold, expansive basement. Graffiti littered the concrete walls, and the floor was covered in a thick layer of dirty water. I covered my mouth and nose with the sleeve of my hoodie, fighting the impulse to gag.

"I don't even wanna know. Let's go back to the ground floor, it reeks down here," I said. Gwen made a noise that sounded like agreement, so I turned my back and we hastily made our way back up the stairs. The smell dissipated as we walked, a heaviness seeming to lift from my chest that I hadn't even noticed was there. Even the light from our flashlights were brighter now that we'd left the basement.

"Guys, we literally can't even stay in the basement for more than a minute, it smells like death," Gwen said to the camera she held in her hands, switching it to look at me.

"I honestly felt like I was gonna puke," I said, furrowing my eyebrows and continuing to search around the area, looking for something particularly interesting to use as clickbait.

An enormous bang sounded out, echoing through the halls of the abandoned asylum. I froze, staring at Gwen with wide eyes.

"What was that?" She whispered, before we both took off running towards the sound. I led the way, my backpack slamming against my back as my feet pounded on the floor. More noises came, closer, and we followed them at a sprint.

"Hello?" I hollered, panting. "Is anyone here?" We rounded a corner, coming to a stop near the massive entrance we'd snuck in through earlier.

We looked in shock at a pair of boys in front of us, gaping while another climbed in through the window and landed with a loud thud.

"Hi," One of them said, laughing nervously. I recognized the blond hair and slight frame instantly – these were the boys who had inspired me to start documenting our adventures, but unfortunately, my sister didn't know that.

"Who the hell are you? You scared the shit out of us!" Gwen huffed angrily, crossing her arms as she momentarily forgot about our camera in her hand. She narrowed her eyes.

"They're doing the same thing as us," I said quickly, quietly, placing my hand on her arm. "Just here to explore."

Gwen seemed to calm down slightly as she noticed their camera equipment, noticeably more high-tech than ours. "Okay. Fine. But what are the odds that they end up coming to the same place as us, on the same night, at the same time? It's kinda sketch."

"It's literally one of the most haunted places in the area, dude," I laughed a bit. The boys were all watching our exchange, whispering quietly to one another. Sam cleared his throat.

"We're really sorry that we scared you. Honestly, we had no idea that anyone else was going to be here tonight. I'm Sam, this is Corey, and that's Colby," he pointed to each of the boys in turn, but I already knew who each one was. I'd been watching their videos for months now.

Breathless | Colby Brock ✔️Where stories live. Discover now