I can't actually come up with a name right now, fuck.

9 0 0

" Welcome to heaven! "

Saint put his hand out as a gesture for a nice, hearty shake.

" Oh! Hello! "

Cake squeaked, shaking the gentleman's hand immediately, ecstatic.

" Boy, is it nice to see you, what lovely weather we're having down in Cloudsdale, haha! Only a joke, fella. This is actually the receptionist desk right in front of the gateway to heaven! "

"So I've gotta ask, what is your name, and how'd ya die. "

He stared for a moment, awaiting an immediate response. Which, he did not receive. 

Cake could barely utter a word. So much was happening at once...

" I-.. I was in a- "

" Now now! I'm only joking, again, I am aware of the unfortunate circumstances life has put you through. But remember, ' For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power, love, and self-control. -2 Timothy 1:7 ' "

Cake was a happy kid. He had a nice family, he prayed every night. But he was hit with a stuck of bad luck and got into a car crash. His mom and dad, including him, perished.

He didn't have many friends, he went to a basic public school. Open to anyone. That's right. The public.

He would constantly get bullied and teased, mocked and accused, even at one point told to kill himself.

He still cared about everyone and told the bullies that "Love is the only way to acceptance." or whatever...

" Oh. "

He sighed. 

" I'm here to give you a job, though, Chemnintz. An opportunity to change somebody's life, kid. "

" Wait- really? Me..? " 

" Why of course you! You've got the kindest, boldest heart out of any 15-year old I've met personally... You're perfect for the job. "

" What do I need to do? "

" Well, Chemnitz, you've gotta... this may sound really hard at first but, you have to prevent... a suicide? " 

" Oh no! I want to get started right away! "

" Not everyone makes it, Chemnitz. "

" What..? "

" There is a deadline. Here,- "

Saint hands him a photo of a young 16-year old named ' James ' and reads off his life story, 

" He grew up in an abusive household, always getting kicked and shoved around by his honestly in the name of the lord god awful parents. No one liked him at school, he's one of those misunderstood teens to that can't seem to get out of this loophole of some sort, you know what I mean? He started taking his moms medications and he's just slowly losing touch, it's your job now to be his best friend, and save him before it's too late... "

" He never meant to cause any trouble. He's just lost. "

" Well, now he's found. "

Cake looked up, a waterfall of tears nearly flooded his face entirely.

" I will take your offer, I think I have more in common with him than he will ever realize. "

" Now, do you know where the bathroom is?... "


The alarm goes off,

Ring ring.

Ring ring.

Ring ring.


A chickens wooden head pops out of a grandfather type alarm clock, waking the b e a s t.

"Ugghh.. another school day. "

He jumped out of bed, grabbed his socks, t-shirt, and pants and rushed into the bathroom. 

Turned the faucet on, washed his face,

" Hi! "


He threw nearby soaps, soap dishes, even a hairbrush at one point. But it all just phased through Cake. 

" My name is Cake, you must be James! "


" Sir, could you please stop being so vulgar...? "

" I'm only here to help! "

This is when James goes apeshit and starts tearing the shower curtains down, screaming, kicking, and possibly doing summersaults of some sort? 

" Uhh... James. "

He stops, breathing heavily. Turns to face the apparition and says,

" Oh god... oh god oh god oh god... I'm losing it... "

He dramatically clutches onto his face like a Lobster, sobbing. 

" Are you here to kill me??? "

" No. I'm here to stop you from killing yourself! "

He calms down, soothed by the quite annoying voice of Cake.

" What..? "

" I'm. Here. To. Stop. You. From. Killing. Yourself. "

" I'm- I don't even know you, where are you from, are you some sort of Angel...? "

" I guess you could say that? "

" Look, your bathroom is a mess now, clean it back up and start over again. "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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