#10 - to forgive

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"For God sake please just leave me alone the pair of you" you said. Junkyu turned round and Hyunsuk stepped back. They both looked at each other.

"You're the only one making a big deal out of things here" Hyunsuk said back.

"Me...me!? Are you serious? Firstly Hyunsuk you ruined my past year, am I meant to just forget things easily and play it cool with you?" You started going off on one.

"Woah...let's just calm down before a full on cat fight rises" Junkyu said standing up putting Hyunsuk on the shoulder.

Hyunsuk shrugged Junkyu off and wondered towards the showers.

"Whatever, knew you were a mistake anyway" he muttered under his breath.

You pushed past Junkyu who just let you go, storming out onto the beach.

The bell rang for everyone else to wake up, it was now 6:00am. You didn't want to cause anymore of a scene as everyone else could see you now.

"Hey y/n" you saw Jihoon should over to you, putting his hand in the air.

"Oh hey Jihoon, have you been up for long?" You said back, trying to be pleasant.

"Long enough to see the wee fight you had with Junkyu and Hyunsuk" he smirked.

You tilted your head back and sighed. You couldn't escape any of it.

"You know... Junkyu only wants to be your friend. He told me about what happened after the bonfire, even the soppy bits. He seemed like he genuinely wanted to get to know you" he smiled at you, resting his elbow on your shoulder.

It took you a minute to understand that Junkyu genuinely wanted to friendly towards you but you were the one that had been pushing him away.

"I dunno... I still feel embarrassed about what happened and how drunk I was. I guess I could try and talk it over with him" you said back, shouving his shoulder off and pushing Jihoon to the floor.

You laughed a little at his over exaggerated actions, putting out a hand to help him back up.

"Come on let's go get some food" you said nudging him.

Inside the food court were a few rows of tables, there weren't many people in there but it was nice and quiet. You pointed over to a spare table were you went and sat down with Jihoon.

"Hang on let me go get some food first, you save the seats for us yeah?" He said.

You nodded your head and Jihoon wandered into the food line.

"Hey" a voice from behind you said.

You looked up to see Junkyu standing over you, he was so tall.

"Hey" you said, deciding to be civil.

"Look I wanted to apologise..." Junkyu started but you cut in.

"No you don't need to apologise, it's me who needs to" you said.

A slight smile appeared on his face.

"Look... the reason why I've been such a bitch is because I honestly feel embarrassed every time I see you. I said really soppy things and I regret them" you said. You hated admitting things, especially directly to the person involved.

"I understand. Let's be real though, you could have said a lot worse things. It was cute" he smiled.


Cute? He said I was cute?

"I hope we can be friends now. Ever since the bonfire I've been trying to find things out about you but no one knew who you were" Junkyu admitted to you.

"But... weren't you talking to my friend? Why didn't you ask her?" You were confused.

"Oh. I did ask her but she told me she didn't know you. I was confused because you were both at the beach together but I thought maybe you weren't close at all" he said trying to make you feel better.

That lying son of a- Your friend had to be the biggest snake alive.

"Ok we can be friends" you said back, slightly smiling too.

Junkyu ruffled his hair back and looked over behind you. You turned around to see Hyunsuk walking over to the table.

"Hyunsuk" Junkyu said as Hyunsuk sat down next to you.

Just as things were getting better.

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