Confession Dos

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This will also be about Brass who has undoubtedly read this. *sarcastic yay me* *inner panic cuz I'm an idiot*

Ok so Dear Brass you did not delete your message quick enough

If I could respond: (this meant if I got the guts to, but now you know so whats the harm)

I too will summarize (is that the right to?)

There's my super cute, kinda depressed friend and we are doing a thing

I lowkey don't want it to be a joke

She's more amazing than me and way more amazing than she thinks she is

I would totally date her

I also still have some feelings for my old crush

And I don't want to ask her out cuz I am not even sure if the message is about me, and I don't want to make things awkward like I did with my old crush, and I still like the old crush even if I knew she would never like me back

I would definitely say yes if she asked me out

Now that I'm more sure maybe I will tell you in person

I hope you read this I love you, love and even if our relationship(whether its friendship or more or whatever) falls apart or you want to be just friends I'll always love you(platonic or romantic; agape or eros) 

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