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My echoed footsteps sounded throughout the silent hallways. I sniffed quietly while rubbing my eyes, my glasses almost falling over.

'Oh no, I'm gonna be late to class...'

As this thought went through my mind, I hurriedly wiped my face with my handkerchief and rubbed my eyes one last time to make sure it didn't seem like I was crying before. I paused in front of the classroom door and took a strand of my cream-colored hair.

The fluffly-looking hair turned into an ugly mess of cream tangles that was now up to the back of my neck. I could still feel the harsh grip of one of my classmates as she yanked my hair, the horror I felt when I saw my long hair fall to the cold bathroom floor, and the high-pitched laugh when she walked away with her scissors.

It just wasn't fair.

But my mood brightened when I opened the door and saw my childhood crush until now, Yukio Aokawa. He was tall and cute with adorable hazel hair. I bet that if I hugged him, I would definitely fit right under his chin. I blushed madly at the thought.

He glanced at me for a second then brushed me off and walked past. I stared at his shrinking figure, feeling hurt. Although I was used to this, I just couldn't numb the pain whenever he ignored me or categorized me as a nobody. All those times we had spent together as kids were thrown away without a second thought.

Murmurs and whispers exploded in the classroom when I walked in. They act like I can't hear what they're saying.

When I caught the sickly sweet smirk of my tormentor in the back, I glared at her and looked away. I didn't want anymore trouble.

"Oh my gosh, look at her hair."

"I know right, its hideous. What was she thinking?"

"What an attention whore. I mean, it doesn't even look good."

"Dude, what's up with her?"

"Is she like, depressed or something?"

More insults and whispers were thrown at me as I walked to my seat. I bent my head lower, hoping that my hair would cover my face like how it usually would, but it was too short for that. Trying to ignore it all was impossible for me. All these words, they really hurt.


I breathed a sigh of relief when school ended. Luckily Miwa, the girl that cut off my hair, and her group of skanks disregarded me and went ahead. I was always one of the last people to leave the classroom, unnoticed and alone.

I headed for the vending machine outside once everybody left the class. I walked slowly and patiently, there was nobody rushing me anyway. I liked the peaceful afternoons.

As I neared the vending machine, I made out a familiar silhouette bending down to pick up his drink. I beamed.


I cut my sentence short. He jogged right past me, as if I wasn't there, and waved happily to someone else behind me.


I whirled around. It was her. Miwa. She was alone, which I thought was pretty suspicious. I watched from where I was as she giggled at him and playfully slapped his arm. "You're cute." was what I heard she said to him.

He laughed at her, he laughed at her jokes, he smiled at her, he even handed her a drink.

I knew it.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

I knew it.

They were threatening to fall.

I knew it.

I turned away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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