Chapter One: Ashura

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Alice sat on her bed as she watched her house burn. She was in full shock. She was finally snapped out of it once a man grabbed her arm. "Come on! We have to get you out of here! You'll die!" the fireman said. She looked up at him with wide eyes. "What about Mama and Papa?! Are they okay?!" she asked as she was thrown over the man's shoulder. The man stayed silent. "Sir?! SIR?!" She cried. "Please! Are Mama and Papa ok?!" she cried tears rolling down her face. "I'm sorry...." was all the man said..

Alice shot up from her bed. "Shit! It was just that dream again." She said holding her head. It had been ten years since the day of the accident. Her parents had fallen asleep while the fire was still going in the fireplace. The fire had killed her parents and would have killed her if not for that fireman. Alice stood up from her bed. She grabbed a towel and some clothes and went to bathe. Once she finished got dressed and dried her hair while walking down stairs. She grabbed her pack and slipped on her shoes before running out the door. She was gone before her foster parents even made it out of bed. She arrived at the horse stables and threw her bag down. Today was a Saturday so there was no school. She looked at Max. He was her black stallion. Well he was actually her neighbor's but she volunteered to take care of them on the days that he isn't home. He was out on a business trip with his son so she was asked to feed and brush them. She was brushing the other horse in the stale when she heard a low rumbling growl from a few meters away. Alice looked towards the trees. She gasped as she saw smoke. Sher ran towards the forest to see what was going on. "Hello? Is anyone out here?" She called out. Her arm than began to burn. "Ah?!" She gasped and looked down at her unusual birthmark. It was glowing a bright green. "What is going on?!" she asked aloud. Her birthmark was shaped like a swirl on her forearm. She grabbed her arm and walked further into the forest until she was met with something that made her fall backwards. "D-dragon!!" she screamed. The big dragon looked at her. "Child, please do not be afraid. I promise I will not hurt you. Your arm. It glows, show it to me before I reveal my greatest treasure to you." The dragon states. "Yeah.." Alice said and removed her arm to reveal the bright green glowing swirl. "My name is Alice. Is this real? How are you real?" Alice questioned. The dragon groaned as it stood up. Young Alice. I am afraid to admit that I am dying. However I am able to give to you my greatest treasure. The egg of the last dragon tamer. Please before I go place the hand of the arm that glows onto the egg." The dragon says turning to reveal a deep wound in her side. "Yes! I will!" Alice says and placed her hand on the egg. It then began to glow then a large crack ran down the side of the egg. "Oh no! I broke it!" Alice said jumping back. The dragon let out a chuckle. "No, she is hatching. Now step in front of the egg. Once she steps out place your hand on her head and let her imprint." The dragon said. Alice nodded and sat on the grass in front of the egg.

The egg then shattered and a smaller green dragon rolled out and landed in front of Alice. Alice gasped and placed her hand on it's head. The baby dragon stood up and looked Alice in the eyes. It let out a low purr and cuddled into her hand. "Awe!" Alice cooed. "Thank you...." the older dragon said before no more breaths left her nostrils. She created a large hill with a den. 'This is the last gift I can offer you, Young Alice and my daughter. Take good care of her. Thank you once more!' The dragon's voice echoed in Alice's head.

Alice looked down at the baby dragon in her arms and then crawled into the den. She sat the baby down and crawled back out and collected so twigs, leaves, and berries. She crawled back into the den and made a small makeshift nest and fed the dragon the berries. The dragon purred in response and quickly gobbled down the berries then jumped into the nest and curled up. Alice sighed and sat against the side of the den. Once the baby dragon fell asleep Alice crawled out and placed some sticks up against the opening like a little fence to keep her in. She walked back to her house after finishing her chores at the stable. She walked in and froze. She had forgotten that there was gonna be a dinner party that afternoon. "Alice! You are home! Everyone, this is the wonderful girl we plan to adopt. She is a wonderful young lady and she even excels in all of her classes." Mrs. Johnson said, praising me. "Mrs. Johnson! There is no need to praise me! I am nothing special!" I say blushing. "Oh but you are! Alice you are everything me and my husband have ever wanted!!" She said. Alice internally sighed.

Alice's POV

'They are so fake. They pretty much hate when I even make an 89.' I sighed. "I have to go study now. It was nice meeting you all." I said and smiled. I turned and began to walk upstairs. "Good night, sweetheart!" Mrs. Johnson called up the stairs. I hissed in pain as I felt my arm heat up. I grabbed it and I could feel my senses heighten. I gasped. I could hear every little thing and I could smell everything. I jumped at the small roar I could hear from my baby dragon. I jumped up from my bed. I quickly packed a bag. I pulled it onto my back and opened my window and jumped out. I ran all the way to the stables not looking back once, knowing I would never come back. I ran all the way back to the den to see a small kyote at the door clawing it open. "Hey!" I yelled. It turned and growled at me. I threw my bag down and yelled random nonsense to try and scare it away. It stood its ground and then lunged at me. I yelped and ducked and picked up a stick. I whacked it in the head with it and it backed away and scurried off. I yanked off the cover to the den and before I could crawl in, the baby jumped out at me. I gasped as I caught her. She was two times bigger than before. 'Do dragons normally grow this fast?' I thought. "I really need to name you, how about Ashura?" I say smiling.

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